Responsible Fishing | Oceana


The Campaign

We rely on fish for food and jobs, yet half of our fisheries around the world are overfished, and another 40% are fished to maximum levels. We know that when fisheries are properly managed, the fish come back. That’s why Oceana is campaigning for science-based policies in countries that control one-quarter of the world’s wild fish catch.

In the United States, the European Union, and Chile – countries where Oceana has operated since its beginning – the number of fisheries with management plans has increased by 55% since 2000, and the number of fisheries with catch limits has increased by 47%. Thanks to campaigning by Oceana and our allies, important commercial fish species including Chilean jack mackerel, European hake, and Acadian redfish have rebounded.

Oceana is continuing to work around the world to increase the number of fisheries with management plans and catch limits in order to rebuild ocean abundance.


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