Oceana Praises EPA’s Endangerment Finding | Oceana

Oceana Praises EPA’s Endangerment Finding

Press Release Date: December 7, 2009

Location: Washington, D.C.


Anna Baxter | email: abaxter@oceana.org
Anna Baxter

Oceana applauds the Environmental Protection Agency for its determination that elevated concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere endanger public health and welfare.  This finding is an important milestone in addressing global warming pollution under the Clean Air Act, following years of U.S. inaction on this issue. 

“We’re relieved to have an EPA that recognizes the dangers of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This is an important step in making polluters accountable for massive emissions of CO2.  With ocean health declining and threatened by ocean acidification, we’re running out of time to control major pollution sources,” said Oceana senior campaign director Jacqueline Savitz.

“Oceana is hopeful that this action will strengthen the Obama Administration’s negotiating position at the climate talks in Copenhagen,” Savitz added.

The endangerment finding means the EPA must now develop specific solutions to protect public health and the environment.  Now that EPA has documented the dangers posed by greenhouse gases, the agency should move quickly to set standards not only for motor vehicles, but also for other significant sources of greenhouse gas pollution, such as marine vessels and aircraft.

The EPA should immediately implement effective and efficient mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas pollution.

Oceana works to protect and restore the world’s oceans.   It is the largest international ocean conservation organization in the U.S., employing scientists, attorneys and grassroots campaigners to achieve tangible goals.  For more information, go to http://na.oceana.org.