STOFTW Brochure Citations | Oceana

STOFTW Brochure Citations


Citations for Oceana’s “Save the Oceans, Feed the World” Brochure

  1. FAO, IFAD and WFP (2015) The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015. Meeting the 2015 international hunger targets: taking stock of uneven progress. Rome: FAO. 62p.
  2. FAO (2009) 2050: A third more mouths to feed. In: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available:
  3. Based on Costello C, Ovando D, Clavelle T, et al. (2016) Global fishery prospects under contrasting management regimes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 5125-5129. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1520420113, values scaled to represent global catch and all fish used for human consumption.
  4. FAO (2015) FAOStat. In: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Available:
  5. FAO (2015) FAOStat. In: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Available:
  6. HLPE (2014) Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition: A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. Rome: FAO. 119p.
  7. Based on data from FAO (2015) and The World Bank (2015) DataBank: World Development Indicators. Available:
  8. Sumaila UR, Lam V, Manach FL, Swartz W, and Pauly D (2016) Global fisheries subsidies: An updated estimate. Marine Policy 69: 189-193. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.12.026
  9. Pauly D and Zeller D, eds. (2015) Sea Around Us Concepts, Design and Data Available:; Costello et al. (2016)
  10. Pauly and Zeller, eds. (2015)
  11. FAO (2016) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016. Contributing to food security and nutrition for all. Rome: FAO; Pauly D, and Zeller D (2016) Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining. Nature Communications 7:1-9. doi:10.1038/ncomms10244
  12. Based on data from Costello et al. (2016), values scaled to represent global catch.
  13. Based on data from Costello et al. (2016), values scaled to represent global catch and all fish used for direct human consumption.
  14. MSC (2013) Kyoto Danish Seine; 4th Year MSC Surveillance Audit Report, Certificate Number SCS-MFCPF-0021; Makino M (2008) Marine protected areas for the snow crab bottom fishery off Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. In: Case studies on fisheries self-governance. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 504. Rome. p211-220.
  15. ICES (2015) 3.3.4 Cod (Gadus morhua) in Subareas I and II (Northeast Arctic); Diamond B and Beukers-Stewart BD (2011) Fisheries Discards in the North Sea: Waste of Resources or a Necessary Evil? Reviews in Fisheries Science14th. 19: 231-245. doi: 10.1080/10641262.2011.58543
  16. NOAA (2016) Stock Status Archive. In: NOAA Fisheries. Available:
  17. Tilman D and Clark M (2014) Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health.  Nature 515: 518-522. doi: 10.1038/nature13959
  18. Golden C, Allison E, Cheung W, et al. (2016) Fall in fish catch threatens human health. Nature 534: 317-320.
  19. Based on data from Nijdam D, Rood T, and Westhoek H (2012) The price of protein: Review of land use and carbon footprints from life cycle assessments of animal food products and their substitutes. Food Policy 37: 760-770; Mekonnen MM and Hoekstra AY (2012) A global assessment of the water footprint of farm animal products.  Ecosystems 15: 401-415. doi: 10.1007/s10021-011-9517-8
  20. Based on data from Costello et al. (2016).
  21. FAO (2016)
  22. FAO (2016)
  23. Dyck AJ and Sumaila UR (2010) Economic impact of ocean fish populations in the global fishery. Journal of Bioeconomics 12: 227-243 ; Teh L and Sumaila UR (2013) Contribution of marine fisheries to worldwide employment. Fish and Fisheries 14 (1): 77-88. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2011.00450.x
  24. Fabinyi M and Liu N (2014) The Chinese policy and governance context for global fisheries. Ocean & Coastal Management 96: 198-202.
  25. Bureau of Fisheries of China (2017) China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook 2016 (China Agricultural Press, Beijing); Zhang H and Wu F (2017) China’s marine fishery and global ocean governance. Global Policy 8 (2): 216-226. doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.12419