2016: The Global Reach of Seafood Fraud | Oceana

2016: The Global Reach of Seafood Fraud


Seafood is a global commodity traded all over the world, following a long, complex and non-transparent supply chain. It also serves as an important source of protein for millions of people every day. However, seafood fraud and species substitutions occur regularly, cheating consumers out of what they ordered and putting public health and the oceans at risk. In addition, seafood fraud allows illegally caught fish to be laundered into the legal seafood trade.

Seafood fraud is a global problem: It has been studied and found all over the world. To demonstrate the scope of the issue, Oceana compiled more than 200 studies on seafood mislabeling and species substitutions displayed on the map below, all of which found fraud, except one. This map is the most current and comprehensive review of seafood fraud literature to date. Seafood fraud has been exposed by scientists, students, journalists, governments, and conservation and consumer groups in 55 countries and on every continent except Antarctica.

Seafood traceability, tracking fish from boat to plate, would bring transparency to the seafood supply chain, help prevent seafood mislabeling and fraud and stamp out markets for illegally fished products.

Help stop seafood fraud and ensure that the seafood sold in the U.S. is safe, legally caught and honestly labeled. 

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