Anne Jastrzebski | Oceana

Anne Jastrzebski

Illegal Fishing & Transparency Analyst

Oceana Staff

Anne joined Oceana’s Illegal Fishing and Transparency team in 2023.

Prior to that, she worked down at the other end of fishing (the eating side) in food marketing and partnerships with companies ranging from startups to a celebrity chef’s media company to a cheese magazine. Growing disillusionment with the food systems and supply chains that afforded her these wonderful roles led Anne back to school and towards environmental science.

In 2022, Anne received her MSc in International Marine Environmental Consulting from Newcastle University. Her research focused on production, demand, and distribution of marine edible resources, capped off with a thesis that identified SME-scale supply chains and end markets for wet kelp distribution within the UK. At Oceana, her work is focused on processing, analyzing, and synthesizing vessel movement and fishing data in support of transparency campaigns around the world.

In her free time, Anne does pottery poorly, packs and eats picnics in the park regardless of the weather, and enjoys open-water swimming in a way that is extremely weather-dependent.