Amazon Eliminates Plastic Air Pillows in North America Following Campaigning by Oceana | Oceana

Victory | June 20, 2024

Amazon Eliminates Plastic Air Pillows in North America Following Campaigning by Oceana

Amazon will fully remove plastic air pillows from its delivery packaging in North America by the end of 2024 and replace them with 100% recycled paper filler. The move is expected to avoid nearly 15 billion plastic air pillows every year, according to the company. The reduction follows years of campaigning by Oceana and its allies for the company to address its massive plastic problem. Air pillows are made of plastic film, which is the deadliest type of plastic to large marine animals. Since 2020, Oceana has released reports estimating Amazon’s plastic packaging waste footprint, campaigned outside the company’s headquarters, met with company representatives, and advocated for related shareholder resolutions. Amazon’s move away from plastic air pillows in North America follows the company’s phasing out of plastic air pillows in Australia, and nearly all single-use plastic packaging in India and throughout Europe. Oceana is calling on the company to fulfill its multiyear commitment to transition its North America fulfillment centers away from plastic. Then, the company should expand these efforts and also push innovations like reusable packaging to move away from single-use packaging everywhere it sells and ships.