Celebrate National Seafood Month with This Sustainable Recipe: Wild Salmon with Spinach | Oceana
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October 16, 2014

Celebrate National Seafood Month with This Sustainable Recipe: Wild Salmon with Spinach


October is National Seafood Month, a time to raise awareness for sustainable fisheries and celebrate the benefits of seafood in one’s diet. Oceana focuses on sustainable seafood all year long through various campaigns, from the Save the Oceans, Feed the World campaign—which advocates for rebuilding healthy fisheries for a growing global population to enjoy seafood meals—to Oceana’s Seafood Fraud campaign, which advocates for traceability and accurate labeling in the supply chain.

To celebrate National Seafood Month, Oceana will be spotlighting one sustainable seafood recipe and chef on The Beacon every week. Previous recipes include Rick Moonen’s delicious Mussel Chowder recipe and Xanterra’s Roasted Black Cod recipe. Today, on World Food Day, we’re featuring Ron Burn’s Wild Salmon with Spinach.

Wild Salmon with Spinach

Served with citrus beurre blanc and sautéed spinach


1 ½ lbs. salmon filet*

¼ C olive oil

¼ C shallots

1 t dill

1 t ground black pepper

4 oz. spinach

5 oz. unsalted butter, room temperature

2/3 C white wine

1 T black peppercorns

1 lemon

1 orange

2 limes

1/8 C red wine vinegar


Fish Baste:

In container combine olive oil, shallots, dill and black pepper, saving one-half of the shallots for beurre blanc sauce.

Beurre Blanc:

Squeeze juice of citrus (no seeds) into sauce pan and add black peppercorns, red wine vinegar and one-half of white wine and reduce by half, let stand for seven minutes. Take four ounces of butter and whisk into reduction liquid (add butter one ounce at a time) and strain afterwards.


Cut salmon into three pieces and oven cook or barbecue until salmon is cooked to your preference. Brush with fish baste a few times while cooking.

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