Ocean Roundup: Seven Sharks Illegally Caught in Costa Rica National Park, Dolphins Cross-Breeding in UK Waters, and More | Oceana
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October 13, 2014

Ocean Roundup: Seven Sharks Illegally Caught in Costa Rica National Park, Dolphins Cross-Breeding in UK Waters, and More


– Scientists warn that otters off of Scotland are only living for about a third of the time than those off mainland Europe, largely due to more polluted waters and prey sources. The scientists warn that the short lifespans are troublesome because it keeps the otter population from being able to breed. The Scotsman

– Recently, park rangers at Costa Rica’s Isla del Coco National Park found seven dead sharks on longline hooks within the park’s protected area. This finding precedes a time known for illegal fishing in the park, which peaks each year from September to October during the rainy season. The Tico Times

Researchers have found three “atypical” looking dolphins off UK waters, suggesting species are cross breeding as their populations decline. New research suggests that local bottlenose dolphins have been mating with resident Risso’s dolphins, which is the first instance of cross-breeding in wild UK dolphins. The Herald

– New research shows that under current worst-case climate change predictions, fish stocks could move towards the poles at about 16 miles per decade; under best-case scenarios, they’ll move at about 10 miles per decade. Researchers say the tropics will be hit the hardest with fish losses. Science Daily

Long Read:

The North Atlantic right whale was once nearly hunted to extinction, but these marine mammals—which are critical to ocean ecosystems and sentinels of ocean health—have made a slow comeback. This article traces everything about the North Atlantic right whale from its cultural significance to current threats, like seismic airgun blasting off the U.S. Atlantic Coast. The Christian Science Monitor