Get Your Hungry Shark Holiday Cards | Oceana

Get Your Hungry Shark Holiday Cards


Oh SNOW you didn’t! Great choice checking out our whale-y great holiday cards. Oceana and Hungry Shark are pleased to offer these pun-tastic holiday cards for your sharing pleasure. Post to your social media accounts. Email to your friends. Simply download and have fun.


Hungry Shark in partnership with Oceana. Merry and Bite.


Hungry Shark in partnership with Oceana. Schooltide Greetings.


Hungry Shark in partnership with Oceana. Have A Holly Jolly Sharkmas.



You can help save sharks today. Add your name to call on the U.S. Congress to ban the trade of shark fins. Fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the global shark fin trade every year, leaving many species and the very health of our oceans at risk.