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Chile Bans Shark Finning

The Chilean National Congress unanimously passed a nationwide ban on shark finning. Oceana drafted the bill and campaigned for its passage.This groundbreaking decision came on the heels of a very similar ban passed by the United States Congress lin December 2010, and puts both countries at the forefront of shark conservation.

Oceana Applauds Chile for Banning Shark Finning

Today, the Chilean National Congress passed legislation that completely bans shark finning. The bill, promoted by Oceana, requires every shark that fishermen catch to be landed with their fins naturally attached. The President of Chile is expected to sign the legislation within thirty days. “With the passage of this law, Chile becomes a leader in … Read more

Oregon Lawmakers Unanimously Vote to Protect Shark Populations

Today the Oregon State Senate voted 30-0 to ban the sale, trade, and possession ofshark fins within the state. The bill (HB 2838) previously passed the State House ofRepresentatives by a unanimous vote. The bill’s passage moves the U.S. West Coast closer to afull ban on the trade of shark fins, thereby helping to protect … Read more

State of Washington Protects Sharks

Olympia, WA – Today, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed a bill to further protect sharks and ocean ecosystems. The legislation, SB 5688, which previously passed the Washington Senate by a unanimous vote, will protect shark populations by banning the trade of shark fins in Washington. Oceana commends Senators Ranker, Swecker, Rockefeller, Litzow, Shin, and Kline … Read more

PSA: January Jones and Oceana are still Scared For Sharks

Washington, DC – Today Oceana announced its second “Scared for Sharks” public service announcement (PSA) starring actress January Jones. The campaign co-stars the world’s biggest fish – the whale shark – and Jones swimming together in Belize’s Gladden Spit Marine Reserve.  Jones, who is best known for her roles in AMC’s critically acclaimed series “Mad … Read more

Washington Passes Legislation Protecting Sharks

WASHINGTON PASSES LEGISLATION PROTECTING SHARKS Oceana Commends Action to Prevent Trade of Shark Fins   Olympia, WA- Protection of sharks and ocean ecosystems is the focus of legislation that passed the Washington House of Representatives by an overwhelming 95-1 vote last night.  The legislation, SB 5688, which previously passed the Washington Senate by a unanimous … Read more

Shark Fin Trade Targeted by New Legislation

Protection of sharks and ocean ecosystems is the focus of new legislation being introduced by Assemblymember Paul Fong (D-Mountain View) today. Assemblymember Fong held a press event this morning at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park to discuss how his bill AB 376 seeks to protect sharks by banning the … Read more

Congress Ends Shark Finning in U.S.

The United States House of Representatives approved the Senate version of the Shark Conservation Act today, clearing the final hurdle to ending shark finning in U.S. waters. Below is a statement in response to today’s decision from Oceana’s federal policy director Beth Lowell. “The Shark Conservation Act has finally passed the finish line. Oceana applauds … Read more

Congress Ends Shark Finning in U.S. Waters

The U.S. House of Representatives approved the Senate version of the Shark Conservation Act, clearing the final hurdle to ending shark finning in U.S. waters. The Shark Conservation Act improves the existing law originally intended to prevent shark finning. It also allows the U.S. to take action against countries whose shark finning restrictions are not … Read more

U.S. Senate Passes Bill to End Shark Finning

Oceana applauds the United States Senate today for passing the Shark Conservation Act, which will end shark finning in U.S. waters. “In last minute action, the Senate passed precedent-setting shark conservation measures requiring sharks to be landed whole with their fins still naturally attached,” said Beth Lowell, federal policy director at Oceana. “This requirement will … Read more