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Senate Committee Passes Bill to End Shark Finning in U.S.

Oceana commends the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee today for passing the Shark Conservation Act of 2009.   “Shark management in the U.S. has suffered for long enough,” said Beth Lowell, federal policy director at Oceana. “It’s time to enact this shark finning bill into law.”   The Act would require all sharks caught … Read more

ICCAT Proves Incapable of Managing Bluefin Tuna and Sharks

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) failed to establish adequate management measures at its meeting in Recife, Brazil this week for commercially valuable bluefin tuna and sharks, whose populations have plummeted over recent decades. Driven to the verge of collapse by the greed of the international market and decades of mismanagement … Read more

United States and European Union Lead Way in Global Shark Conservation

The United States submitted proposals last night to list six threatened shark species – oceanic whitetip, dusky, sandbar and great, scalloped and smooth hammerheads – under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The European Union also submitted proposals for the listing of porbeagle and spiny dogfish sharks. Proposals submitted … Read more

Protecting Sharks from Finning in the EU

Oceana and other members of the Shark Alliance scored a major victory for sharks in the European Parliament when the Parliament decided to reject a recommendation from its own Fisheries Committee to increase the allowable ratio of shark fins to bodies from 5 percent to 6.5 percent.  

Vermont Country Store Stops Selling Shark Squalane

Thousands of Oceana Wavemakers contacted the Vermont Country Story, a leading catalog retailer, convincing it to stop selling a skin enhancer containing shark squalane. In an ironic note, the product was marketed under the name “Oceana.”

Dr. Lark Agrees to Stop Selling Shark Squalane

After more than a year of pressure from Oceana, Dr. Susan Lark, an online wellness personality who markets health and beauty products, announced that she will sell cosmetic products containing squalane derived from olives rather than deep-sea sharks. More than 15,000 Wavemakers contacted Lark, telling her it was unconscionable to sacrifice already at-risk shark populations … Read more

Shark Finning Regulations Finalized

In June 2008, Following advocacy from Oceana, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) finalized a regulation requiring the landing of sharks with their fins still attached in the federal waters of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, also after Oceana’s urging, passed similar regulations in August 2008 for the … Read more

Shark Finning Ban Improvements Passed

Oceana, along with other conservation organizations, helped advance legislation that would establish a national requirement to land sharks with fins attached. In March 2009, after significant advocacy by Oceana, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Shark Conservation Act of 2009 (H.R. 81) to improve existing laws originally intended to prevent shark finning. The bill … Read more

Oceana Wants Sharks Landed Whole

Oceana announced today the launch of a new North America shark campaign that calls on Congress and the U.S. Government to change finning laws and shark management polices in order to close the loopholes and address the issues that exist in the U.S. Shark Finning Prohibition Act. Under the Act, it is only required that … Read more

New Report Reveals Human Activities Threaten Survival of Sharks Worldwide

Sharks have thrived in the world’s oceans for more than 400 million years, but a comprehensive new report released today by Oceana and WildAid reveals that the world’s shark populations have been devastated by human activities. The new report, entitled “End of the Line,” shows how the global demand for shark products, and in particular … Read more