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China engages in fishing ban PR stunt

A new Oceana analysis finds that China’s self-imposed annual squid fishing bans avoid areas where their vessels actually fish — failing to address the fleet’s notorious unregulated fishing footprint on the high seas. China says it has implemented this latest ban to help rebuild the squid population in the northern Indian Ocean. The closure, that … Read more

PepsiCo fails to report on new reuse goal while company’s plastic use increases

PepsiCo kicked the single-use plastic bottle down the road when it failed to quantitatively detail progress towards its new goal to reach 20% reusable beverage packaging in its recently published 2022 sustainability report (its ‘ESG Summary’). Additionally, the company reported a 4% increase in its total plastic use from 2021 to 2022 (from 2.5 to … Read more

US State of Maine Passes Law to Set Limits on New Fish Farms

Yesterday, Governor Janet Mills signed a bill into law that establishes limits on stocking density, making it harder for developers to build monster fish farms in Maine’s waters.   L.D. 1951, An Act Regarding Marine Finfish Aquaculture, was sponsored by Sen. Nicole Grohoski (D-Hancock County) and co-sponsored by House Minority Leader Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter … Read more


Deep-sea mining is a nascent industry focused on collecting minerals from the deep seafloor below 1,000 meters. Proponents argue that such mining could help supply minerals critical to the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner technologies while being a more environmentally friendly alternative to terrestrial exploitation. But this highly disruptive industrial activity in such a … Read more

CEO Note: Five ways the oceans have progressed since last World Oceans Day

Today is World Oceans Day – a day to celebrate the far-reaching oceans that cover more than 70% of our planet and provide a home to most life on Earth. Despite their vastness, the oceans face human-caused threats like climate change, plastic pollution, illegal fishing, biodiversity loss, overfishing, and habitat destruction. But the oceans are … Read more