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A tale of two hake

If you’ve ever ordered seafood in Spain, there’s a good chance you’ve had European hake. Called merluza in Spanish, this relative of cod and haddock is a strong contender for the nation’s favorite fish. Its filets are mild-flavored and flaky, pairing perfectly with roasted vegetables or pan-fried clams.  Whether or not it’s sustainable, though, depends … Read more

Oceana statement: Amazon can and should commit to reduce single-use plastic worldwide, following news that the company will eliminate plastic packaging in Germany

Oceana released the following statement from Matt Littlejohn, Oceana’s Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, in response to Amazon’s reported decision to replace single-use plastics with paper and cardboard alternatives in Germany. Oceana is campaigning to get Amazon to reduce its single-use plastic packaging and to offer plastic-free alternatives to customers around the world: “The … Read more

Oceana calls on The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) to commit to targets following unprecedented pledge to grow share of refillable or multi-use bottles

Oceana called on The Coca-Cola Company to produce annual reports and set clear targets for the increased use of refillable or multi-use bottles after the company announced last week that its World Without Waste “priorities include expanding refillables to eliminate waste and lower Coca-Cola’s total carbon footprint one package at a time.” Oceana has been campaigning for … Read more

‘We came under attack’: Senior Advisor Ricardo Aguilar recalls the time Oceana confronted illegal driftnet fishers in France

In celebration of Oceana’s 20th anniversary this year, five senior staff members revisited past victories that embodied Oceana’s mission to stop overfishing, reduce bycatch, protect habitat, curb pollution, and increase transparency. Below, Senior Advisor and Expedition Leader Ricardo Aguilar recalled the harrowing moment when Oceana confronted illegal driftnet fishers in the Mediterranean, as well as the campaign … Read more

‘The need to rebuild Canada’s fisheries has never been greater’: Campaign Director Kim Elmslie on why revamping Canada’s ‘Fisheries Act’ was such an important first step

In celebration of Oceana’s 20th anniversary in October, five senior staff members revisited past victories that embodied Oceana’s mission to stop overfishing, reduce bycatch, protect habitat, curb pollution, and increase transparency. Here’s what Campaign Director Kim Elmslie had to say about one of Oceana’s biggest victories to curb overfishing and rebuild fish populations – the … Read more