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Fishery Management Council Rejects Proposal to Expand Drift Gillnets

The Pacific Fishery Management Council decided to cease consideration of a proposal to expand the use of deadly drift gillnets off California and instead requested extension of emergency regulations that went into effect last year to protect endangered sperm whales from entrapment in drift gillnets, until permanent protections are implemented.  Oceana provided testimony at the meeting and … Read more

Photos: OSPAR Protects 16 Species and Habitat in the Northeast Atlantic

Late last month, the OSPAR Commission, a group of 15 European governorning bodies and the European Union that works to protect marine life, adopted a landmark Regional Action Plan to combat litter and protect 16 vulnerable species and habitat. This article, which originally appeared on Oceana in Europe’s blog, takes a close look at some of … Read more

El Niño Triggers Urgent Need, Legal Requirement to Close Fishery to Protect Endangered Sea Turtles From Nets

Conservation groups called out the National Marine Fisheries Service today for failing to implement the legally-mandated closure of the drift gillnet fishery in Southern California waters to protect endangered loggerhead sea turtles. El Niño conditions — warmer than normal waters — attract endangered loggerhead sea turtles to fishing grounds, where they risk entanglement in nets. … Read more

Oceana Finds U.S. Fishermen Could Lose $1 Billion Annually in Wasted Catch

Today, Oceana released a new report that finds fishermen in the United States could be throwing away approximately $1 billion annually in wasted catch, or bycatch, which is the discarding of non-target fish and marine wildlife at sea, often already dead or dying. These findings, which examine the economic value of discarded fish lost to … Read more

Federal Fisheries Managers Vote to Clean Up Swordfish Drift Gillnet Fishery

In a historic new direction in the management of California’s swordfish drift gillnet fishery, the Pacific Fishery Management Council voted today to clean up the fishery by considering placing the first ever “hard caps” on the numbers of several protected species that can be injured or killed in the fishery before operations are shut down … Read more

BREAKING: President Obama Announces Initiative to Tackle Seafood Fraud and Illegal Fishing at Global “Our Ocean” Conference

WASHINGTON – Today, President Obama announced an initiative to tackle seafood fraud and illegal fishing in the United States. The announcement, which was made at the global “Our Ocean” conference hosted by Secretary of State John Kerry, directs federal agencies to work together to develop a comprehensive program aimed at combatting seafood fraud and keeping … Read more

Oceana Launches Interactive Map Showing Global Reach of Seafood Fraud

WASHINGTON – Today, Oceana launched a new interactive map using Google Maps Engine showing the global reach of seafood fraud. The map, which is the most current and comprehensive review of seafood fraud literature to date, compiles more than 100 studies from 29 countries and every continent except Antarctica. While the percentage of seafood fraud … Read more

Champion Big Wave Surfer Maya Gabeira Stars in New Oceana PSA

To celebrate World Oceans Day (June 8th), Oceana, the largest international ocean conservation organization, released a new public service announcement (PSA) starring Brazilian champion big wave surfer and ocean advocate Maya Gabeira.  â€śI started surfing when I was 14,” Maya said when filming the PSA.  “I’ve spent a lot of time in the ocean since … Read more