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Fins Are Finished

Each year, millions of sharks are slaughtered for their fins to meet the demand for shark fin soup. Over the past few years, several U.S. states passed laws against the trade in shark fins to help shut down the market. In the recent issue of Oceana magazine, we reveal how a government agency is taking steps to undermine these … Read more

Ask Dr. Pauly: What are bycatch and discards?

Ocean conservationists talk a lot about “bycatch” and “discards.” But what exacty do these terms mean? In each issue of Oceana magazine, fisheries scientist and Oceana board member Dr. Daniel Pauly breaks down a commonly used fisheries term. In the recent issue, Dr. Pauly explains these technical terms and how they contribue to overfishing.  Bycatch and discards are two … Read more

CEO Note: Janelle Chanona to Lead Oceana Belize

The New Year promises to bring many exciting changes here at Oceana. The first among many exciting pieces of news is that Oceana recently hired a new Vice President to lead conservation efforts in our Belize office—Janelle Chanona. Janelle, a long time anchor for Channel 5 in Belize, most recently ran her own media and … Read more

Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales off Virginia Coast Threatened by Seismic Airguns, According to New Data

New acoustic data from Cornell University’s Bioacoustics Research Program finds that critically endangered North Atlantic right whales off the Virginia coast are in the path of proposed seismic airgun use. These whales, of which only about 500 remain worldwide, were assumed to be less common in the area than new data suggests, raising questions about … Read more

Rashida Jones Talks Up Oceana and Belize on Jimmy Fallon

Last week, Oceana traveled to Belize with actresses Rashida Jones and Angela Kinsey. They spent four days visiting the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef in the entire western hemisphere, and learning about ocean conservation in Belize. After returning from the trip, Jones talked about Oceana and her experience snorkeling with nurse sharks on … Read more

Federal Fishery Managers Put Brakes on Pacific Sardine Catch

Today, federal fishery managers began to apply the brakes on the harvest of Pacific sardine off the U.S. West Coast in light of new scientific evidence further confirming a crashing sardine population.  Instead of simply following the current path, federal fishery management officials voted today to set 2014 catch levels 33% below what they would … Read more

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and HBO CEO Richard Plepler Featured at 2013 Oceana Partners Award Gala

Beverly Hills, CA – Leaders from the entertainment, business and philanthropic communities attended Oceana’s Partners Award Gala on Wednesday, October 30th at the Beverly Hills Wilshire to support Oceana’s efforts to protect the world’s oceans. Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and HBO CEO Richard Plepler were the night’s special guests and spoke about … Read more

450+ Chefs Call on Congress to Pass the SAFE Seafood Act

WASHINGTON – Today, Oceana’s Vice President for U.S. Oceans, Jacqueline Savitz took to the stage at the TEDxMidAtlantic event at Sidney Harman Hall in Washington, D.C. to address the problem of seafood fraud in the United States and what can be done to stop it, and to share Oceana’s message that saving our oceans can … Read more

NOAA Delists Eastern Population of Steller Sea Lions

Yesterday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced its intent to delist the eastern population of Steller sea lions, which range from the Gulf of Alaska to California. This population of sea lions was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1990, and has now made a significant recovery.  This success … Read more