You searched for shark | Page 81 of 92 | Oceana Stops Selling Manta Ray Products

We asked our supporters to help us protect manta rays from being made into leather by asking to take manta ray products off their website. Nearly 40,000 people responded by signing our petition, and Alibaba listened. In response to our petition, the company announced that they will no longer include manta ray products on … Read more

California Assembly Passes Leatherback Sea Turtle Bill on Bipartisan Vote

 The California State Assembly voted unanimously to pass a bill (AB 1776 – Fong) that will designate the endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtle as California’s official state marine reptile and declare October 15 every year as Leatherback Conservation Day. AB 1776 is intended to recognize the importance of California state waters to the survival and … Read more

Leatherback Sea Turtle Swims Closer to Becoming Next Official Symbol of the Golden State

Today the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee voted unanimously to support a bill (AB 1776) that will designate the endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtle as California’s official state marine reptile. These ocean ambassadors are one step closer to becoming the state’s new symbol. Turtle Island Restoration Network and Oceana commend the Assembly Committee for … Read more

Oceana Appalled that Obama Administration Puts Offshore Arctic at Risk

Susan Murray, Oceana’s Senior Director, Pacific, issued the following statement in response to the approval of Shell Oil’s spill and response plan in the Beaufort Sea:“Unfortunately, today’s approval, which comes on the heels of the approval of the Chukchi plan, is another sign the Administration is going after a “quick political fix” that places the … Read more

Oceana’s Inaugural South Florida Event Inspires Guests to “SeaBlue”

FORT LAUDERDALE – On Saturday evening, over 300 guests were inspired to SeaBlue at Oceana’s inaugural South Florida event at the award-winning W Fort Lauderdale. The international ocean conservation organization welcomed several special guests, including Adrian Grenier and The Honey Brothers, ocean legacy Alexandra Cousteau, world champion freediver Martin Stepanek and world renowned artist Wyland. … Read more

Deadly Fishery Expansion Planned into California’s Sea Turtle Protected Area

On Saturday, March 3, the federal Pacific Fishery Management Council voted to pursue the expansion of California’s devastating drift gillnet fishery for swordfish and sharks into an area that is currently off-limits in order to protect critically endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtles. The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s action specifically asked for an analysis of just how … Read more

Alexandra Cousteau Joins Oceana

Alexandra Cousteau Joins Oceana Environmental Activist Continues Family Legacy with Largest Ocean Conservation Organization   Washington, DC – Today Oceana announces that Alexandra Cousteau, granddaughter of ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, has become a senior advisor to the organization. Alexandra is a distinguished international ocean advocate. As senior advisor she will lend her environmental expertise and … Read more

Oregon House Approves Marine Reserves and Protected Areas

The Oregon House today passed Senate Bill 1510, making Oregon’s first network of marine reserves and marine protected areas (MPAs) off the Oregon coast.  The bill calls on state agencies, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission, and State Land Board to implement the 2011 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) recommendations for marine reserves … Read more

Oceana Appalled that Obama Administration Puts Offshore Arctic at Risk

Susan Murray, Oceana’s Senior Director, Pacific, issued the following statement in response to the approval of Shell Oil’s spill and response plan in the Chukchi Sea:“Americans deserve affordable energy and healthy oceans.  We can reach that goal by relying on good science, being prepared, and having a full and fair public dialogue.  Unfortunately, today’s approval, … Read more

Oregon Senate Steps Forward to Create Marine Reserves and Protected Areas

The Oregon Senate today passed Senate Bill 1510, bringing Oregon’s first network of marine reserves and marine protected areas off the Oregon coast one step closer to implementation.  The bill calls on state agencies, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission, and State Land Board to implement the 2011 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife recommendations … Read more