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Oceana Encouraged by Interior’s New Science-Based Leasing Approach Despite Inclusion of New Arctic Sales in Proposed Five-Year OCS Leasing Program

Today the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released its draft proposed Five-Year Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2012-17, which unfortunately includes oil and gas lease sales in the Arctic. While the decision to include Arctic lease sales in the 2012-2017 program is disappointing, Oceana applauds BOEM’s new approach to leasing … Read more

Obama Administration’s Five-Year Drilling Plan Protects Atlantic Coast

The 2012-2017 Offshore Oil and Gas Program released today by the Obama Administration’s Department of Interior will allow no drilling offshore in the Atlantic and Pacific, but opens up the Central and Western Gulf by making all un-leased acreage available for drilling. “The administration’s new five-year plan is good news for Atlantic coastal states, especially … Read more

Tiny Fish with Huge Impact

A new report released today by Oceana, Forage Fish: Feeding the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem, provides a complete picture of the state of West Coast forage species management and what must be done to sustain a healthy ocean food web and a strong coastal economy into the future.  The report’s release coincides with major … Read more

Bipartisan House Bill Seeks to Jump Start U.S. Offshore Wind Development

  U.S. House Representatives Pascrell (D-NJ-8) and LoBiondo (R-NJ-2) of New Jersey today proposed an extension of the investment tax credit for offshore wind power, produced in either state or federal waters.  The proposal is the heart of a bill entitled the “Incentivizing Offshore Wind Power Act.”  Passage of this House bill could help get … Read more

Oceana Testifies Before The House Natural Resources Committee to Uphold the Law and Preserve Protections for Aleutian Islands Ecosystem

Juneau, AK- Michael LeVine, Oceana’s Pacific Senior Counsel, issued the following statement in response to testifying to defend the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) decision to close some areas in the western Aleutian Islands to industrial fishing in order to help recover declining populations of endangered Steller sea lions:“I testified today to serve as a … Read more

Oceana Urges Obama Administration to Delay Western Gulf Lease Sale

    The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) today announced its intent to open more than 20 million acres in the Western Gulf of Mexico to new oil and gas exploration and development.    “Rushing this lease sale puts marine ecosystems at risk before the ink is even dry on the impacts … Read more