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January Jones

In April 2009, January Jones joined Oceana as the spokesperson for the campaign to save sharks. Jones is the lead actress in the critically acclaimed series “Mad Men,” in which she plays Betty Draper, the wife of adman Don Draper. “Mad Men” has won several Emmy Awards and Jones was nominated for a Golden Globe in … Read more

Oceana: Record-breaking Bluefin Tuna has Sky-high Levels of Toxic Mercury

This summer’s amazing story about a record, 873-pound bluefin tuna caught off the coast of Delaware by a recreational angler took an unfortunate twist Tuesday, when international ocean conservation group Oceana reported that toxic mercury in its flesh tested at 2.5 parts per million, making it two and a half times higher than the Food … Read more

Store-bought Fish in 22 States Tested for Mercury

A coalition of environmental groups led by Oceana and the Mercury Policy Project released the results of a major, 22-state mercury testing project today, confirming that store-bought swordfish and tuna contain levels of mercury that the federal government has determined may be hazardous to human health, particularly children. The results released in Fair Warning: Why … Read more

Protecting Pacific Leatherbacks from Gillnets

Under pressure from scientists and conservation groups, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) denied a proposal to allow drift gillnet vessels to operate in an area off the California and Oregon coasts where such fishing is seasonally banned to protect the critically endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtle. The drift gillnet fishery, which targets swordfish, tuna … Read more

Oceana: Harvard Mercury Study Being Misinterpreted

Jackie Savitz, Seafood Contamination Campaign Director for the international ocean conservation group Oceana, which has been campaigning to get supermarkets nationwide to post warning signs wherever fish under a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mercury advisory are sold, today released the following statement in response to widespread misconceptions about a recent study on mercury in … Read more

Leading Mercury Experts: Mercury in Fish Harmful

Mercury levels in fish are high enough to pose health risks to moderate and heavy fish eaters, mercury experts said in a report released today.  Commissioned by Oceana and the Mercury Policy Project and written by mercury and environmental health expert Edward Groth, PhD, the report summarizes decades of scientific research and exposes weaknesses in … Read more

Safeway Steps Up Efforts to Prevent Mercury Exposure

Oceana congratulated Safeway today on the supermarket chain’s commitment to post mercury advisory signs nationally at its stores’ seafood counters. Oceana’s Stop Seafood Contamination Campaign, launched in January 2005, has called on Safeway and all other major supermarket chains to post signs based on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) 2004 advisory for mercury in … Read more

Oceana Praises Safeway CEO Steven Burd for Corporate Responsibility to Consumers

Safeway CEO Steven Burd’s decision to educate his customers about mercury contamination in seafood by voluntarily posting mercury warning signs in more than 1,500 stores nationwide is an example of corporate responsibility, Jackie Savitz, Oceana’s director of the Stop Seafood Contamination Campaign, told the grocery chain’s stockholders meeting today. “Most patrons have never heard of … Read more