Jazmín Deneb Ortigosa Gutiérrez | Oceana

Jazmín Deneb Ortigosa Gutiérrez

Founding Partner, A Poco No

I am Deneb Ortigosa, Doctor of Science and founding partner of A Poco No, a group which focuses on the communication and dissemination of science. I’m also a collaborating researcher in the National Mollusc Collection, with an emphasis on marine slugs, micro molluscs and chimons, with which I carry out faunal inventories, taxonomy, systematics and molecular biology.

I am excited to be part of Project Alacranes because despite living in the 21st century there are many places that are not yet studied. My job on this trip will be to generate the first inventory of molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms and corals from the Bajos del Norte reef system and an update of the same groups for the Alacranes Reef National Park.