Lisa Gilfillan | Oceana

Lisa Gilfillan

Field Representative

Oceana Staff

Although currently residing in California, Lisa is a Midwesterner at heart.

San Diego may have great weather and beaches, but nothing beats watching college football on a Fall day in Ohio. Her curiosity for the natural world was piqued on family vacations to South Carolina and that’s what led her to pursue degrees in Biology from Bowling Green State University and Marine Biodiversity and Conservation from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Her graduate work focused on understanding how microplastics concentrate in the California Current Ecosystem. Lisa is a lifelong learner and conservationist who has held many positions across the US as an educator, interpreter, coordinator, researcher, resource manager, advocate, and now as a field representative. Communicating science has always been at the heart of what she does. Time outside of work is spent fantasizing about future travels, scrolling TikTok, connecting with friends and family, reading, and attempting to keep various plants alive.