Michael Chen | Oceana

Michael Chen

Illegal Fishing and Transparency Data Fellow

Oceana Staff

Michael joined Oceana as an Illegal Fishing and Transparency Data Fellow in August 2024.

Before coming to Oceana, Michael completed an MS in Oceanography at Rutgers University. For his masters research, he studied how swirling eddies in the Southern Ocean help sequester carbon from the atmosphere. As part of his masters, he also conducted ecological fieldwork at Palmer Station in Antarctica, where he witnessed firsthand the importance of vessel transparency in protecting marine environments. Michael holds a BA in Biology from Williams College. In a previous life, he spent several years working in not-the-ocean in an infectious disease laboratory. Michael is passionate about leveraging data and science communication towards environmental conservation and social equity. He is excited to contribute to Oceana’s work in protecting biodiversity, food security, and economic livelihoods. When he is not at a computer, you can find him cooking, running, exploring cities on foot and bike, and befriending his friends’ cats.