Amber Valletta
Celebrity Supporter

A native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Amber began modeling in Europe at the age of 15. After an impressive modeling career, Amber successfully made the transition from model to actress and has appeared in nearly 20 films including “Hitch”, “What Lies Beneath” and “Transporter II.”
Amber has used her fame to raise awareness for many causes. But after a close friend was told by her doctor to avoid getting pregnant because of the dangerous amount of mercury in her blood, Amber decided to become the official spokesperson for Oceana’s Stop Seafood Contamination campaign.
In 2001, the Food and Drug Administration warned women of child-bearing age and children to avoid swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish and shark due to the high mercury content of these fish. The FDA also advised them to limit albacore tuna and tuna steaks to no more than six ounces per week. But apart from information on its website, the FDA has done little to get this message out.
Oceana has been working to stop mercury pollution at its source, by convincing chlorine plants to switch to mercury-free technology. We are also working to get supermarkets to post this FDA advisory at their seafood counters, so consumers can make informed decisions about the food they eat.
Amber has helped these efforts by appearing at events, in PSA’s and in publications. In her own words — “As an actress, activist and mother of a young child, I hope that in doing my part, I can help protect my family and yours from this critical environmental threat.”