Susan Murray | Oceana

Susan Murray

Deputy Vice President, U.S. Pacific

Executive Committee

Susan Murray is Oceana’s Deputy Vice President, Pacific based in Juneau, Alaska office.

With more than 25 years of executive experience, Susan oversees Oceana’s U.S. campaigns in the Pacific from Alaska to California. She has worked at Oceana since 2003 in a variety of capacities, and successes include protecting more than a million square miles of seafloor habitat from destructive bottom trawling, securing hard bycatch caps on salmon in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska pollock fleets, protecting the forage base of the Pacific by preventing new fisheries from opening on hundreds of species of small food fish, and stopping the expansion of offshore drilling in the U.S. Arctic.

Prior to her work with Oceana, Murray served as the Executive Director for the Alaska Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, the funding and policy agency for the 22 shelters and programs throughout Alaska that serve victims of domestic violence. She also served for six years on the communications team for Governor Tony Knowles of Alaska.

Murray holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Education from Duke University. She spends her spare time with her two sons and dogs enjoying adventures in Alaska’s wilderness.