Oceana Advocates for Immediate Ban of New Offshore Drilling, Big Investments in Offshore Wind and Slashing of Big Oil Subsidies at TEDx | Oceana

Oceana Advocates for Immediate Ban of New Offshore Drilling, Big Investments in Offshore Wind and Slashing of Big Oil Subsidies at TEDx

Press Release Date: June 26, 2010

Location: Washington, D.C.


Anna Baxter | email: abaxter@oceana.org
Anna Baxter

WHAT:           Two of Oceana’s leaders will speak at the TEDxOil Spill event, which will convene marine scientists, ocean advocates and energy policy gurus to “tackle the tough questions” raised by the ongoing catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. TED (technology, entertainment & design) events bring together the world’s leading thinkers and doers to give “the talk of their life” in 18 minutes or less.


The Deepwater Horizon blowout and ensuing disaster underscores the need to ban all new offshore drilling, invest more in carbon-free energy such as offshore wind, and end billions of dollars in direct and indirect taxpayer subsidies for the oil industry.


Besides representing our collective failure to prevent new oil spills, the Deepwater Horizon event demonstrates the urgency of developing new carbon-free, spill-proof energy alternatives.  Oceana senior campaign director Jacqueline Savitz will talk about the barriers to breaking our oil addiction. Oceana CEO Andrew Sharpless will discuss the benefits of aggressive development of offshore wind projects. 


WHO:             Oceana is an international ocean conservation group with its HQ in Washington, D.C.               

                        Jacqueline Savitz, Oceana senior climate/energy campaign director and marine scientist

Andrew Sharpless, Oceana CEO

                        See http://na.oceana.org/en/our-work/climate-energy for more specifics.


WHEN:           Monday, June 28, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

            Oceana leaders are scheduled to speak at 12 noon.


WHERE:        Woolly Mammoth Theatre, 641 D Street, NW, Washington, DC

                        Located in the city’s Penn Quarter, near the Archives and Gallery Place Metrorail                                 stations