Oceana Announces It Will Launch Its European Headquarters In Madrid | Oceana

Oceana Announces It Will Launch Its European Headquarters In Madrid

Press Release Date: October 6, 2009

Location: Madrid, Spain


Anna Baxter | email: abaxter@oceana.org
Anna Baxter

Oceana is the first international foundation dedicated exclusively to protecting the world’s oceans, and has a Scientific Advisory Committee led by Doctor Daniel Pauly.

The director in Europe, Xavier Pastor, states that we only have a few decades left to protect and recover our oceans.

Oceana, the first international foundation dedicated exclusively to protecting the world’s oceans by means of campaigns based on scientific research, parliamentary bills, demonstrations and, if necessary, litigation in the courts, officially announced today that it is opening offices for Europe’s oceans and seas. The headquarters will be in the Plaza de España, Madrid. Oceana already has offices in South America (Santiago de Chile), Alaska (Juneau) and Washington.

The marine biologist, Xavier Pastor, is the Director for European Oceans and Seas, and Ricardo Aguilar is head of Research and Projects. Both have dedicated their whole life to environmental conservation, in particular marine ecosystems. Over the last two years, and prior to joining Oceana, Mr. Pastor has led and implemented the MarViva project in the Central American Pacific which aims to protect the Central American biological corridor (Cocos Island, Coiba Island, and the Galapagos Islands) from illegal fishing. The project uses a system of NGO coastguard boats which are coordinated from Costa Rica.

Ricardo Aguilar was previously Director of the FUHEM Centre of Environmental Research. Both are providing Oceana with their 20 years of experience working for Greenpeace International, of which they were founders, and until 2001, Executive Director and Director of Campaigns respectively.

Oceana has a Scientific Advisory Committee which is led by Dr. Daniel Pauly, of French nationality and director of the Fisheries Centre of the University of British Colombia. Dr. Pauly, who is also on the foundation’s Board of Directors, has been highly acclaimed for his work on marine ecosystems and the deterioration of fish grounds. Last week in the magazine Scientific American, they ranked him as the World’s Leading Scientist.

Oceana’s arrival in Europe has had from the offset the full support of the scientific world. Dozens of marine researchers have welcomed the creation of the organization’s new offices, including Dr. Alex Aguilar, lecturer at Barcelona University, expert in sea mammals, and president of the European Cetacean Society.

In addition to scientists, celebrities such as the actors Ted Danson, Pierce Brosnan and Kelsy Grammer are also collaborating with Oceana to help protect the world’s oceans, the flora and fauna that exists within their depths, and also those individuals whose life would be impossible without them. Ted Danson is on Oceana’s Board of Directors, and Pierce Brosnan and Kelsy Grammer on the Honorary Board of Governors.

A legal department, led by a team of international lawyers, has started proceedings against departments of the United States Government, and from now on, its activities will also extend to those European governments and companies who infringe legislation that protects oceans and marine resources.

Oceana is supported by a network of activists working in 150 countries around the world who coordinate their activities in support of the organization’s campaigns.

At its press conference in Madrid, Oceana presented its report “Oceans at risk”, that describes the state of the seas, and warns of the threats faced by marine life: destructive fishing practices, pollution, degraded ecosystems and threatened species, all of which are the result of the continual assault on our oceans.

    • Fishing gears, such as trawl, have destroyed a great expanse of marine life two times the size of Europe. The ecosystems that have been most affected are those which are most productive and are home to the greatest biodiversity, such as corral reefs and underwater grasslands.
    • The recently discovered marine mountains and hydrothermal craters are places totally unknown to most of the planet’s inhabitants. They are very fragile ecosystems. However, they are under threat from big fishing companies.
    • Species which are essential to marine life have been found to have concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) 25 million times higher than those found in the surrounding area
    • Every year more and more marine species are under threat: blue whales, sea lions, Mediterranean monk seals, whale sharks, common sawfishes and manatees could face the same fate as 1200 marine species that have been driven to extinction over the last two centuries.

At the press conference, Xavier Pastor, Director of Oceana in Europe, declared:

“Official bodies such as the FAO are telling us that 70% of fishing grounds are overfished or in danger of overfishing; that most Asiatic fishing grounds contain less than 10% of their original resources; and that 90% of big fishes have already been caught. We only have a few decades left to try to protect and recover our oceans. This is Oceana’s mission”.

For more information about Oceana Europe, please go to http://europe.oceana.org.