Oceana press releases share updates on our campaigns and mission to protect and restore the world’s oceans. They include explanations of the issues that our oceans face, our work to solve those issues, and ways that you can advocate for ocean protection and restoration.
We invite members of the press to reach out to Oceana’s media contacts for information and questions.
Oceana, together with a coalition of Arctic communities and other conservation groups, today filed a legal challenge to the Minerals Management Service’s (MMS) approval of Shell Offshore Inc.’s proposed exploration…
The Oregon State Land Board and Fish and Wildlife Commission passed regulations last week for the first two marine reserves off the Oregon Coast, one at Otter Rock near Depoe…
On Friday the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission ended commercial fishing for smelt in Oregon waters. The action protects an important part of the ocean food web and an essential…
Oceana, together with a coalition of Arctic communities and other conservation groups, today filed a legal challenge to the Minerals Management Service’s (MMS) approval of Shell Offshore Inc.’s proposed exploration…
U.S. House of Representatives Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Edward Markey (D-MA) and their colleagues today introduced a resolution to call on the United States to adopt national policies and support…
A international panel of independent fisheries experts convened by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today found that new trade protections are warranted for five threatened shark species…
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council today set the 2010 pollock catch limit at 813,000 metric tons, the lowest in 32 years. The limit reflected the maximum recommendation made by…