Oceana press releases share updates on our campaigns and mission to protect and restore the world’s oceans. They include explanations of the issues that our oceans face, our work to solve those issues, and ways that you can advocate for ocean protection and restoration.
We invite members of the press to reach out to Oceana’s media contacts for information and questions.
According to the Associated Press, Holland America had the audacity to blame passengers-the victims-for bringing the Norwalk-like virus on its ship. This is a slap in the face to the…
Leading national environmental and public health groups denounced the Bush Administration today for its 11th-hour obstruction of Senate legislation implementing the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The Administration…
Today the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) released a report showing that its scientific trawl survey data remains sound despite minor deficiencies in its survey gear. NMFS found that problems…
A coalition of conservation groups today hailed a recent court decision upholding a National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regulation requiring electronic monitoring on all fishing vessels in the Atlantic Ocean…
Oceana and The Ocean Conservancy have called on the Alaska Board of Fisheries to hold stakeholder meetings to develop ways to protect seafloor habitat in the Aleutian Islands while maintaining…
Legislation to allow a minimal amount of incidental harvest of marine mammals may provide the appearance of temporary help to some fishermen, but it fails to take any meaningful action…
A federal judge in Massachusetts ruled that the government must protect endangered and threatened sea turtles by banning pelagic longline fishing gear from a large area in the North Atlantic….