Oceana press releases share updates on our campaigns and mission to protect and restore the world’s oceans. They include explanations of the issues that our oceans face, our work to solve those issues, and ways that you can advocate for ocean protection and restoration.
We invite members of the press to reach out to Oceana’s media contacts for information and questions.
EDs, Note: Satellite tracking of Ranger can be found at: http://www.oceana.org/ranger/index.html; Spanish webpages for Ranger: http://europe.oceana.org/espanol/noticias/ranger/index.htm; English blog: http://community.oceana.org/section/Ranger; Images available for downloading: http://europe.oceana.org/espanol/noticias/ranger/fotografia.htm.Oceana’s Ranger, one of the largest catamarans…
Placard-waving protesters at the Chlorine Institute’s annual meeting demanded today that the 210-member trade group tell six member-companies to clean up the last remaining chlorine plants in the nation that…
In an historic victory for protecting our oceans, and the largest such action taken anywhere in the world, U.S. authorities have closed off to destructive commercial fishing nearly one million…
Mercury-based chlorine manufacturing plants are a major source of mercury contamination in the United States, releasing more mercury to the air per plant, on average, than coal-burning power plants, Oceana…
Smashing a bottle of bubbly across a freshly painted bow, actor/activist Ted Danson today (10 a.m. Jan. 14, 2005) christened Oceana’s new ship, Ranger, and launched the international marine conservation…
Oceana Federal Policy Director Ted Morton had the following statement regarding today’s White House response to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy report recommendations:”Based on available reports about the White…
Despite a stunning 1,600 percent increase in the official estimated number of killed or injured sea turtles in the commercial Atlantic scallop fishery, the National Marine Fisheries Service (Fisheries Service)…