Oceana press releases share updates on our campaigns and mission to protect and restore the world’s oceans. They include explanations of the issues that our oceans face, our work to solve those issues, and ways that you can advocate for ocean protection and restoration.
We invite members of the press to reach out to Oceana’s media contacts for information and questions.
WASHINGTON–Today, the U.S. House of Representatives is debating a bill to rewrite the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, H.R. 1335, introduced by Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska). Jacqueline Savitz, Oceana’s Vice…
93% of the Mediterranean and 48% of the Northeast Atlantic fish stocks are overfishedThe list of overfished stocks includes key commercial species such as cod and sole in the Atlantic…
MONTEREY, CA— The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has announced it will close southern California ocean waters to drift gillnets in order to protect endangered loggerhead sea turtles. This legally…
Oceana e oltre 50 scienziati sollecitano gli stati mediterranei a stabilire un piano di gestione per la pesca demersale nello Stretto di Sicilia basato sul miglior parere scientifico disponibile così…
Quase cem espécies de peixes marinhos brasileiros de importância comercial estão ameaçados de extinção e alguns podem desaparecer das nossas águas e também das nossas mesas. Transformar a lista vermelha…
La Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) ha publicado hoy su informe sobre el estado de la naturaleza (State of Nature in the EU). Se trata de una evaluación de…
Monterey, CA- Yesterday, an estimated 21,000 gallons of crude oil spilled into ocean waters near Refugio State Beach, off Santa Barbara. Oil flowed into the ocean in an area situated…