Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas | Oceana

Report | August, 2017

Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas



In August 2017, Audubon Alaska and Oceana completed the Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. This comprehensive, broad-scale atlas synthesizes data from the Aleutian Islands to the Beaufort Sea and contains over 100 beautiful maps. This atlas complements Oceana’s previous mapping projects including the Bering Strait Marine Life Synthesis and the Arctic Marine Synthesis which focused on more discrete areas. This zoomed-out perspective gives us a trans-boundary look at the physical processes and biological patterns that make the Arctic one of the most unique, beautiful and fragile regions on our planet. Our goal with this atlas is to inform individuals, communities, organizations and governments at the local, state and federal levels to make responsible decisions in the face of a rapidly changing and increasingly vulnerable Arctic. We know that what happens in the Arctic affects the rest of the planet and it is now, more than ever, vital that decision making relies on the best available scientific information, including local and traditional knowledge.

Example map from the fishes chapter of the atlas depicting important areas and behavior of Pacific salmon.

Click on the headings below to view specific sections, or view the full atlas here:

  1. Introduction
  2. Physical Setting
  3. Biological Setting
  4. Fishes
  5. Birds
  6. Mammals
  7. Human Uses
  8. Conservation Summary

For further information, or questions regarding the Atlas, please contact Brianne Mecum, Pacific GIS Analyst at Oceana ( | 907-586-4050). Print copies are available for purchase for $105, plus $20 for shipping and handling. To order, contact Heidi DeCoeur at Audubon Alaska ( | 907-276-7034).