Brazil’s Leading Food Delivery Service, iFood, Commits to Additional Single-Use Plastic Reductions | Oceana

Victory | October 26, 2022

Brazil’s Leading Food Delivery Service, iFood, Commits to Additional Single-Use Plastic Reductions

Brazil’s largest home food delivery service, iFood, committed to reduce additional single-use plastic packaging throughout its operations, expanding earlier reduction targets to include polystyrene foam containers, plastic sachets, and plastic bags. In total, the company plans to eliminate 2.7 billion single-use plastic items by 2025. These ubiquitous single-use plastic items often become pollution and can harm marine life and ecosystems if they enter the oceans. This victory follows campaigning from Oceana and the United Nations Environment Program’s Clean Seas Campaign. In 2021, iFood publicly committed to an 80% reduction in plastic cutlery, plates, cups, straws, and napkins included in orders by 2025.