Canada Strengthens Emergency Measures to Protect Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales | Oceana

Victory | December 31, 2022

Canada Strengthens Emergency Measures to Protect Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales

Amid a crisis facing critically endangered North Atlantic right whales, Oceana and its allies successfully campaigned for the Canadian government to strengthen its emergency measures to protect this species from deadly ship strikes and entanglements in fishing gear. Since these measures were strengthened over the last three years, there have been no known right whale deaths in Canadian waters. Prior to these improvements, 21 right whales had been killed in Canadian waters between 2017 and 2019. These strengthened measures include increasing vessel slowdown zones, ensuring fishery closures can be triggered by any sighting, including acoustic detections, and starting the fishing season earlier so that there is less overlap with the time right whales are in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Oceana is now campaigning to make protection measures for right whales permanent along the East Coast of Canada and the United States to give these whales the best chance of survival.