Chilean Court Rules in Favor of Oceana, Orders Salmon Farming Company to Release Antibiotics Data | Oceana

Victory | August 25, 2022

Chilean Court Rules in Favor of Oceana, Orders Salmon Farming Company to Release Antibiotics Data

Chile’s Constitutional Court ruled in Oceana’s favor and against a salmon farming company that previously denied Oceana access to data on its antibiotic use. Following the Court’s ruling, the salmon farming company Mowi is now required to provide Oceana with access to data on its use of antibiotics. This victory comes after years of Oceana campaigning with our allies against the expansion of salmon farming in Patagonian Chile, a biologically rich marine ecosystem. Salmon farms are often destructive – the waste generated by enormous numbers of fish packed into pens can devastate marine environments. The high density of fish often leads to disease and consequently, excessive use of antibiotics in feed, which is then released into the oceans where it can harm marine life. Bacterial resistance is also a consequence of excessive use of antibiotics in farming and can threaten marine and human health.