Cephalopods, Crustaceans, & Other Shellfish Archives | Page 4 of 4 | Oceana

Caribbean Spiny Lobster

The Caribbean spiny lobster is one of the largest crustaceans on coral reefs and seagrass beds in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters and is one of the most valuable fishery resources for every country throughout its range. Along with true crabs, prawns, and other lobsters, the Caribbean spiny lobster is a decapod; it has … Read more

Caribbean Reef Octopus

The Caribbean reef octopus is an absolute master of disguise and one of the most intelligent known invertebrates. Individuals of this species can completely change their color from one moment to the next using specialized color cells called chromatophores. In doing so, they often perfectly blend with their surroundings, even when settled on a surface … Read more



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