Ocean Fishes Archives | Page 7 of 7 | Oceana

Pacific Sardine

Pacific sardines are filter feeders that feed on a variety of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Though they filter very small prey, they use their relatively large eyes and exceptional eyesight to increase the density of prey in the water that they filter. This strategy is in stark contrast to that used by the very large bodied filter feeders … Read more

Bluehead Wrasse

It gets its common name from the adult coloration, which includes an obviously blue head on an otherwise green body. Juveniles are solid yellow, or nearly so, with a black spot on the dorsal fin. The numerical success of the bluehead wrasse is apparent to anyone who has visited a Caribbean reef; it is one of the … Read more

Nassau Grouper

Caribbean reefs with large numbers of predators, like Nassau groupers, are known to be healthier than reefs with no predators, so this species may represent an important part of the reef food web. During the majority of the year, Nassau groupers are reddish brown in coloration, with vertical light bars along the head and body. During mating, … Read more

Longsnout Seahorse

Longsnout seahorses are very poor swimmers and rely on camouflage and bony plates that cover most of their bodies to avoid predation. Like other seahorses, the longsnout seahorse’s tail is highly maneuverable, and it uses this tail to attach itself to seagrasses, mangrove roots, sponges, soft corals, or other places where it hides. Longsnout seahorses eat tiny plankton … Read more

Whiptail Gulper

The whiptail gulper lives in very deep waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean from 6500 to 10,000 feet (2000-3000 m) below the sea surface. At that depth, food is scarce, and it is important to never pass up a meal when it becomes available. Some predators have long, needle-like teeth that they use to grasp lively prey, … Read more

Blue Tang

True blue tangs are restricted to coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea and surrounding waters and are often confused with two other surgeonfishes that inhabit the same waters, the doctorfish and ocean surgeonfish, as all three species look similar. Furthermore, another surgeonfish that lives in the tropical Pacific Ocean (and was made famous as Dory in … Read more

Beluga Sturgeon

The sturgeons are a very old group of fishes (over 200 million years old) and make up one of the most primitive lineages of bony fishes. Their dinosaur-like bodies match their prehistoric lineage. They are covered with strong bony plates; they have asymmetrical, shark-like tails; and they have barbels off of their long snouts that help … Read more

Atlantic Wolffish

Atlantic wolffish are voracious predators, and the large head, powerful jaws, and large canine teeth are all used to hunt and eat hard-bodied or spiny invertebrates, such as sea urchins, crabs, large marine snails, etc. They reach lengths of up to five feet (1.5 m). Atlantic wolffish are usually solitary but form pairs during the … Read more

Atlantic Trumpetfish

The Atlantic trumpetfish uses its large snout and triangle-shaped head to create a large amount of suction that is concentrated at the mouth (much like a straw), allowing it to easily suck in its prey of small fishes and mobile invertebrates (like shrimps). In order to succeed at this feeding strategy, the Atlantic trumpetfish utilizes a … Read more