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Video: Austin Nichols Tags Sharks off Florida, Advocates for the Oceans with Nautica and Oceana

Actor, diver, and ocean advocate Austin Nichols (“One Tree Hill,” “The Day After Tomorrow,” “Wimbledon,” and “John from Cincinnati”) joined the R.J. Dunlap Marine Conservation Program at the University of Miami, Oceana, and Nautica earlier this summer to tag sharks off the coast of Florida. Nichols helped tag seven sharks while he was on the water, … Read more

CEO Note: Progress for Sharks

If you’re like most ocean lovers, you’ve probably spent a few nights this week tuning in to Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. But as we celebrate our collective love of sharks, we should also take a moment to reflect on the many threats that sharks face. Here at Oceana, we’ve been busy launching our new campaign … Read more

Infographic: Here’s Why Dusky Sharks Need to Get off the Hook

Dusky sharks, a bronze-blue colored species found in warm coastal and open ocean waters, are in trouble. Populations in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico have plummeted by 85 percent as a result of overfishing and bycatch — the capture of non-target fish and ocean wildlife. Despite the federal government acknowledging that dusky sharks were … Read more

Oceana Launches Effort to End Unintentional Catch of Dusky Sharks

WASHINGTON—Today, Oceana launched a campaign calling on the federal government to take action to end overfishing of a severely overfished species of sharks in Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic longline fisheries. Dusky shark populations off the Atlantic coast have plummeted by 85 percent as a result of overfishing and bycatch, which is the capture of non-target … Read more

Dusky Sharks

Click here to learn about Dusky Dusky sharks, Carcharhinus obscurus, are in trouble. Populations off the Atlantic coast are estimated to have declined by 99 percent over the last 40 years as a result of overfishing and bycatch, and the government has failed to take concrete action to help populations recover. In 2000, the National … Read more

Massachusetts Takes a Step Forward For Sharks

This week, Massachusetts became the ninth state to regulate the trade of shark fins within their state borders—an important step forward in the fight for global shark conservation. Governor Deval Patrick signed into law a bill that reduces the state’s participation in the international trade of shark fins, joining California, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New … Read more

Setback for Shark Conservation: Hammerhead Sharks Denied Protection under Endangered Species Act

Last month, scientists, conservationists, and the ecotourism industry alike were all disappointed when the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) determined that the great hammerhead shark will not be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). NMFS also decided against listing scalloped hammerhead sharks in the U.S. last year, a motion that was finalized this month. … Read more

CEO Note: California Fails to List Imperiled White Sharks

White sharks off the coast of California are in danger. This population of white sharks, occurring off California and Mexico, is genetically unique and isolated from other groups of white sharks across the world’s oceans. But this population is also at risk of extinction — recent scientific studies estimate that less than 350 adult and … Read more