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Austin Nichols Goes Shark Tagging Off the Coast of Florida

It’s not every day that celebrities help with scientific research, but earlier this month, Austin Nichols (“One Tree Hill,” “The Day After Tomorrow,” “Wimbledon,” and “John from Cincinnati”) shared his passion about sharks with researchers at the University of Miami. He spent two days off the coast of Florida tagging sharks with Oceana and the … Read more

Oceana in Chile Takes Shark Conservation to the Big Screen

In April, Oceana in Chile urged Chile’s Secretary of Fisheries RaĂşl SĂşnico to protect sharks that are being adversely affected by the nation’s fishing operations. Oceana aimed their efforts at the swordfish fishing industry, which has particularly high levels of shark bycatch. To raise awareness about the issue, Oceana aired a three-minute segment on a Chilean news broadcast … Read more

Federal Court Upholds CA Ban on Shark Fin Trade

Yesterday, a United States district court upheld the California shark fin ban, a state law forbidding the possession, sale, trade or distribution of shark fins.* Oceana commends the court’s decision and believes it will further the protection of sharks and help reduce the demand for shark fins worldwide. California’s 2011 law was challenged by a … Read more

Victory for Sharks: California Fin Ban Upheld in Court!

Yesterday, sharks received a huge victory when a federal district court upheld a California law that prohibits the possession and sale of shark fins throughout the state. California’s 2011 law was originally challenged by a group of shark fin dealers and retailers who claimed the ban was discriminatory and in violation of federal law. The … Read more

CEO Note: State Shark Fin Bans Protected

Late last year, I wrote to you about how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration took actions that placed state shark fin bans in jeopardy. These bans, which close down the market for imported shark fins, are incredibly important to halting the finning and capture of tens of millions of sharks each year. Now I … Read more

Shark Fin Bans Upheld

Last year, NOAA challenged state shark fin bans across the country, suggesting that they might be preempted, or overruled, by federal law. State shark fin laws protect sharks by banning the sale, trade, distribution and possession of shark fins, effectively shutting down the market for shark fins. In response to NOAAs actions, Oceana launched a … Read more

A critical analysis of the federal status review of the Northeastern Pacific population of great white sharks under the Endangered Species Act.

Prepared with partners at the Center for Biological Diversity, this document provides a critique of the federal status review report for the Northeastern Pacific population of white sharks. This analysis brings into question the National Marine Fisheries Service’s conclusion, which relied on the status review, that although the population was a distinct population segment, threatened … Read more

CEO Note: NOAA Could Undermine State Shark Fin Bans

You might not have heard, but sharks are in trouble from an unlikely source—our own federal government. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the government agency tasked with managing our nation’s fisheries, is taking steps to undermine state laws that protect sharks. Recently I partnered with actor and activist January Jones to write an editorial … Read more

Oceana Launches Metro Ad Campaign Asking NOAA to Protect Sharks, Not Shark Finners

Today, Oceana launched a new advertising campaign in the Washington, D.C. Metro system that asks the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to “Protect Sharks, Not Shark Finners.” Earlier this year, NOAA chose to challenge state shark fin bans across the country, suggesting that they might be preempted by federal law. Oceana’s ads, which now … Read more

Oceana Launches Metro Ad Campaign Asking NOAA to Protect Sharks, Not Shark Finners

Today, Oceana launched a new advertising campaign in the Washington, D.C. Metro system that asks the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to “Protect Sharks, Not Shark Finners.” Earlier this year, NOAA chose to challenge state shark fin bans across the country, suggesting that they might be preempted by federal law. Oceana’s ads, which now … Read more