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This Shark Week, Oceana and January Jones are Scared FOR Great White Sharks

As millions of Americans tune into Discovery Channel’s Shark Week  to view hours of programming featuring powerful great white sharks, they might be surprised  by a public service announcement (PSA) launched this week by Oceana.  The new TV spot features actress January Jones urging people to be scared FOR great white sharks – the future … Read more

New York Ends Shark Fin Trade

With Governor Andrew Cuomo’s signature on July 26, New York became the eighth state to ban the shark fin trade in the United States. Shark finning is a brutal practice: Fishermen haul live sharks onto boats where their fins are sliced off, and the sharks are then thrown back into the water, alive, to drown … Read more

New York Ends Shark Fin Trade

Fourteen major animal welfare, environmental and conservation organizations are applauding Gov. Andrew Cuomo for signing into law A.1769b/S.1711b to end New York’s contribution to the dire collapse of shark populations worldwide. Taking effect on July 1, 2014, the law passed the state legislature under the leadership of Assemblymember Alan Maisel, D-Brooklyn and Sen. Mark Grisanti, … Read more

EU Bans All Shark Finning

As of 6 July, 2013, all sharks caught in European waters or by European vessels will have to be landed with their fins still naturally attached. Celebrating the arrival of the long-awaited, strict EU ban on shark finning, Oceana welcomes the new EU regulation’s entry into effect, on Saturday. It ends nearly a decade of … Read more

Feds Fail to Protect West Coast Great White Sharks

The National Marine Fisheries Service today declined to protect great white sharks off the coast of California under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Although peer-reviewed scientific population estimates at the two primary white shark aggregation sites indicate fewer than 350 adults and sub-adults, the agency denied protections to the sharks. This decision follows a NMFS … Read more

New York Says No to Shark Fins

Yesterday, the New York state Assembly took a huge step forward for shark conservation worldwide by passing a bill to ban the sale, trade, distribution and possession of shark fins throughout the state. The bill has already been approved by the state Senate and now has 10 days to be signed into law by Gov. … Read more

Delaware Passes Ban on Shark Fin Sales

                                                                              DOVER, Del. – Yesterday, the Delaware state Senate passed a bill that bans the sale, trade, distribution and possession of shark fins throughout the state. The Delaware state Assembly has already passed the legislation, and it will now be sent to Gov. Jack Markell to be signed into law. Oceana, the largest international … Read more

New York Senate Passes Bill Banning Shark Fin Sales

ALBANY, N.Y. – Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, applauded the New York State Senate yesterday for passing a bill that will ban the sale, trade, distribution and possession of shark fins throughout the state. Oceana encourages the New York Assembly to follow the Senate’s footsteps and pass … Read more

Bill to Protect Sharks Moves Forward in Maryland

  ANNAPOLIS – Today, the Maryland State Senate approved a bill that would strengthen regulations on the sale, possession and distribution of shark fins throughout the state. The Maryland House of Representatives already passed the bill last month, and it will now go to Gov. Martin O’Malley to be signed into law. Oceana applauds Maryland legislators … Read more

Great White Sharks Become Candidates for California Endangered Species Act Protection

SACRAMENTO, Calif.— Great white sharks that live off the coast of California are now candidates for protection under the state’s Endangered Species Act. The California Fish and Game Commission voted today to initiate a comprehensive one-year review of the white shark population to determine if it qualifies for state protection. The state will also consider … Read more