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E.U. Bans Shark Finning

The European Parliament approved a strict ban on shark finning, closing a crucial loophole in EU law by requiring that all sharks caught in EU waters, and by EU vessels in international waters, be landed with their fins attached. This is a monumental achievement for sharks and one that Oceana campaigned for. The EU is … Read more

Great White Sharks Swim One Step Closer to Protections

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) today announced a positive 90-day finding on two petitions to list the West Coast population of great white sharks under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). NMFS determined that the population merits further consideration for listing as an “endangered” or “threatened” species. Today’s decision is in response to ESA listing … Read more

Deep-sea sharks

Last night we performed a dive to see if we could see sharks, which at that time from deeper areas in search of their prey. And just falling in the 500 meters, there was a pair of shoes (Birdbeak cf. Dogfish), a small shark of elongated and flattened nose. Then continue to – 550 m. … Read more

Sharks and Rays Gain Protections in the Med

The EU voted in favor of strictly protecting 10 threatened species of sharks and rays in the Mediterranean Sea, under the Barcelona Convention. These species, including hammerheads, tope, and shortfin mako, have declined dramatically in numbers – some by as much as 99% during the last century – while others have vanished from parts of … Read more

23 Nations Support Shark Conservation in the Mediterranean

For the first time in its 60-year history, the FAO’s General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean took action for shark protection. The Commission adopted measures for the management and conservation of sharks and rays in the Mediterranean, the region of highest risk in the world for these fishes. Twenty-three Mediterranean countries endorsed a proposal from … Read more

Endangered Status Sought for Great White Sharks off US West Coast

Oceana, the Center for Biological Diversity, and SharkStewards filed a scientific petition with the National Marine Fisheries Service in Washington DC seeking to protect the US West Coast population of great white sharks under the Endangered Species Act.  This week, they will also seek protection under California’s Endangered Species Act. New findings show the numbers … Read more