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Actress January Jones joins Campaign to Save Sharks

— Note: High resolution images available upon request Today ocean conservation group Oceana announced its partnership with Golden Globe nominated actress January Jones. Jones is best known for her role in the American Movie Channel’s (AMC) critically acclaimed Emmy, Golden Globe and SAG Award-winning series, “Mad Men.” She recently came on board as the spokesperson … Read more

Fishing Nations Seek Cooperative Action to Manage Shark Fisheries Worldwide

Oceana issued the following statement from senior vice president for North America and chief scientist Dr. Michael F. Hirshfield in response to decisions made today in San Sebastian to manage shark fisheries worldwide. “Oceana is encouraged by the language adopted today in San Sebastian concerning sharks and is pleased that fishing nations have included commitments … Read more

“Mad Men” Star January Jones Comes to Washington to Save Sharks

January Jones is in Washington this week on a mission to save sharks. Jones is meeting with key members of Congress, including Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and John McCain (R-AZ), to urge them to pass the Shark Conservation Act of 2009 and to push for U.S. leadership on international shark conservation. Jones is best known … Read more

End of the Line: Global Threats to Sharks

“The End of the Line,” a report by Oceana and WildAid, is an overview of the factors affecting the survival of sharks. It is a call to action to reduce the demand of shark products and implement solutions as part of a global effort.

Predators as Prey: Why Healthy Oceans Need Sharks

Sharks have unfortunately fallen victim to the man-hungry “Jaws” stereotype society has created for them. Oceana wants the world to know that what we should really fear are oceans without sharks. “Predators as Prey” shows that as shark populations decline, the oceans suffer unpredictable and devastating consequences.

From Head to Tail: How European Nations Commercialize Shark Products

Oceana researchers carried out a year-long investigation into the shark  fin trade, visiting harbors, shark fin traders and shark fin factories around the world. In the harbors, the shark species found to be the most important for the fin market include blue, mako, hammerheads and thresher sharks.  

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus

What do you get when you mix ’80s pop star Debbie (Sorry, Deborah) Gibson, Lorenzo Lamas and an epic sea monster battle? A bold and beautiful film, indeed: Mega Shark vs. Giant Octupus. The release date is a week from today, so head to a theater — er, DVD-purveyor — to find out what happens … Read more