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RFP: Blue Shark Valuation and Policy Analysis

Request for Proposals: Economic valuation of the global market for blue shark products and interdependent policy analysis for sustainable management and trade SUBMIT BY 20 DEC 2021 A Nature analysis published in 2021 revealed that three-quarters of oceanic sharks and rays are threatened with extinction. However, functioning global management of shark catch (targeted or as … Read more

Watch: Why sharks face an ‘exceptionally high risk of extinction’

Overfishing is threatening a majority of the world’s shark and ray species with extinction, according to a study published in Nature. Shark and ray abundance has been declining over the last 50 years, and fishing pressure – including the global shark fin trade, which kills up to 73 million sharks for their fins each year … Read more

Watch: More than half of all shark species could go extinct in a century

Great white sharks may be one of the most powerful apex predators of our seas, but they are not invincible. According to new research, great whites are among the one-third of all marine megafauna species that face the risk of extinction over the next century. Under worst-case scenario projections, 62% of shark species would be … Read more