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Q&A: Actor Sam Waterston on protecting whales, protesting climate change with Jane Fonda, and becoming Oceana’s Board Chair

Award-winning actor and longtime Oceana supporter Sam Waterston assumed his new leadership role as Board Chair in September, succeeding Valarie Van Cleave. As an advocate and spokesman for Oceana’s campaigns, he has testified before national legislatures on the prevention of shark finning and expansion of offshore drilling. Hailing from the “Bay State” of Massachusetts, Waterston … Read more

Ask Dr. Pauly: How do gillnets work?

There are different ways to catch fish, and their differences are as useful to know as that between hunting rifles and AK47s. In principle, gillnets should be highly selective, i.e., catch fish of a particular species and size, and avoid undesired fish. Fish are caught in a gillnet that hangs down stiffly when they have … Read more

Tackling a triple threat: Belize banned bottom trawling, offshore drilling, and now gillnets

For a country that’s slightly smaller than the U.S. state of Massachusetts, Belize boasts an inordinate number of ocean wonders. It’s home to the world’s second longest barrier reef, which Charles Darwin once described as “the most remarkable reef in the West Indies.” Here, you’ll find more than 500 unique fish species – enough to … Read more

New intergovernmental report calls for 100% sustainable ocean management by 2025, 14 world leaders commit to increase abundance

Today, the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel), composed of 14 serving world leaders, committed to restore and sustainably harvest their wild ocean fish stocks by 2030. An accompanying report noted that “the ocean’s ability to sustainably produce food is vastly under-realised. Managed better and sustainably, the ocean could produce up … Read more

Brianna Fenty

Brianna Fenty is the Protected Species Campaign Fellow at Oceana, providing support to campaigns focused on banning the shark fin trade, advocating for North Atlantic right whale protection, and deterring irresponsible fishing practices. Hailing from Brentwood, New York, Brianna moved north to the Bronx in 2012 to obtain a B.S. in International Trade and Transportation … Read more

CEO Note: How Oceana will campaign under a Biden administration

On Saturday, November 7, the Associated Press and many media outlets declared that former Vice President Joe Biden had won Pennsylvania (incidentally my childhood home) and with it the 2020 United States presidential election. With the election now decided, I want to share how Oceana intends to campaign in the United States under a Biden … Read more

Oceana and Allies Protect Deep-Sea Corals in the Gulf of Mexico

In the United States, NOAA Fisheries issued a final rule to protect 13 coral areas. These areas, which span from the U.S.- Mexico border to the Florida Keys, include a series of deep-sea canyons, reefs, and coral areas that have been identified as important habitat for iconic species such as sharks and grouper. This action … Read more

Oceana and Blancpain Announce Exclusive Partnership

Washington, D.C. – Oceana, the largest international organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation, has announced Blancpain as its exclusive watch partner, working together to further Oceana’s campaigns to restore ocean abundance and Blancpain’s commitment to ocean exploration and conservation. For more than 65 years, since the 1953 launch of the world’s first modern diving watch, … Read more

Jane Fonda honored at Oceana’s star-studded New York Gala

New York,  New York – On Monday night, attendees tuned in for the first ever virtual Oceana New York Gala to honor two-time Academy Award-winning actor, author, and activist Jane Fonda and to raise funds in support of Oceana’s campaigns to restore the world’s oceans. Fonda, introduced by actor and 2019 Oceana New York Gala … Read more