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Shareholders and Investors Set to Vote on Amazon’s Other Looming Problem – Plastics

Contacts:  Gillian Spolarich:, 202.467.1909                         Anna Baxter:, 202.868.4064 Amazon’s other big problem – its staggering plastic use – is set to feature at the company’s upcoming annual general meeting (AGM) later this month, when shareholders will be asked to vote on a resolution requiring the e-commerce giant … Read more

Oceana Welcomes Two New Members to Board of Directors: Professional Big Wave Surfer Maya Gabeira and Entrepreneur Elizabeth Wahler

  Big wave surfer Maya Gabeira (left, photo credit ©Pablo Garcia) and entrepreneur Elizabeth Wahler (right, photo credit ©David Tosti) join Oceana’s Board of Directors Washington, D.C. – Today, on Earth Day, Oceana, the international ocean conservation organization, announced longtime supporters Maya Gabeira and Elizabeth Wahler have joined the organization’s Board of Directors. “Maya and … Read more

A statement from Oceana on Netflix’s Seaspiracy

Statement Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Today, Netflix released a new movie titled Seaspiracy that features passing references to Oceana and a brief excerpt from what was a two-hour interview with a former employee, who was one of Oceana’s key leaders in winning policy victories against illegal fishing. To set the record straight, what Oceana campaigns … Read more

Carie Wilt

Carie joins Oceana after spending over a decade at the Humane Society of the United States, where she developed the social media program into an integral part of the organization’s fundraising and communications strategies. She also held department director roles at the Humane Society and United Way, and spent the last two years in the … Read more

New Global Study Finds Protecting Select Ocean Areas Boosts Total Catches and Reduces Carbon Emissions

Washington, DC – This week, a new study titled “Protecting the global ocean for biodiversity, food and climate” was published in the scientific journal Nature. The study reveals that protecting select areas of the world’s oceans from fishing practices, including destructive bottom trawling, and other damaging activities helps safeguard critical habitat, boost biodiversity, and reduce … Read more

Oceana’s International Board of Directors call on President Sagasti of Peru to save the proposed Nasca Ridge National Reserve from destructive fishing

Today, the members of Oceana’s International Board of Directors wrote the Hon. Francisco Sagasti Hochhausler, President of the Republic of Peru, to request the removal of an eleventh-hour provision to allow fishing for Patagonian toothfish in the proposed Nasca Ridge National Reserve. The bottom fishing methods used to catch Patagonian toothfish could damage the very … Read more

Oceana: Amazon (AMZN) reports 38% increase in sales for 2020, but does not address corresponding increase in the company’s plastic use as Bezos plans to step down

Yesterday, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced that he will step down from his position as company CEO this year. Bezos’ announcement accompanied Amazon’s fourth quarter of 2020 earnings report, which revealed that the company’s net sales increased by 38% in 2020 and are expected to grow another 33% in the first quarter of 2021 (as … Read more

New Global Platform Connects Small-scale Fishers to Improve Sustainability, Livelihoods

Also available in: Español, Français, PortugĂŞs, Bahasa Indonesia, Kiswahili Additional media contacts:Lauren Gleason, WWF, (202) 495-4319Martin Muir, Blue Ventures, martin@blueventures.orgNathan Williams, Fauna & Flora International, +44 (0) 7725 594205Perry Broderick, Ocean Outcomes, (503) 758-6893Philippine Wouters, IPNLF, philppine.wouters@ipnlf.orgDr. Simon Cripps, Wildlife Conservation Society, +44 (0)7555 780 025Tad Segal, Environmental Defense Fund, (202) 572-3549 A global coalition of partners … Read more

Amazon’s Big Role in Ocean Plastic Pollution

Oceana has today released a report – based on an analysis of e-commerce packaging data – that found Amazon generated 465 million pounds of plastic packaging waste last year. This is comprised of the air pillows, bubble wrap, and other plastic packaging items added to the approximately 7 billion Amazon packages delivered in 2019, according … Read more