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Kate Mara Sets Out to Save the Whales

WASHINGTON DC– Oceana released a new public service announcement (PSA) today to spread awareness about the threats of drift gillnet fishing gear to marine wildlife in advance of major decisions by West Coast policy makers coming this June. The PSA features actress and ocean activist, Kate Mara, urging the public to help her and Oceana … Read more

Photos: A Look into Chile’s Seamounts Permanently Protected from Bottom Trawling

Did you hear the exciting news about permanent protections for Chile’s seamounts? A few weeks ago, Chile finalized regulation that bans bottom trawling on all 117 seamounts located within its Exclusive Economic Zone. Now, over 68,000 square kilometers of important underwater habitat are protected, forever, within Chile’s waters. This historic move makes Chile the first … Read more

Oceana Junior Council “Fashions for the Future” Event Supports Marine Conservation Efforts

Oceana received support from London’s young philanthropists and environmentalists at this evening’s ‘Fashions for the Future’ event, which took place at London’s Phillips Auction House. The notable event benefited Oceana’s Save the Oceans; Feed the World campaign, focused on restoring ocean biodiversity and improving global food security.   Organized by Oceana’s Junior Council, the event … Read more

Safeguarding Sea Turtles: Two Victories Protect Loggerhead Sea Turtles in U.S. Waters

Editor’s Note: This article orginally appeared in Oceana’s Winter 2015 magazine. Click here to view the original article. Scientists estimate that only one in 1,000 loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings survive to adulthood. From the moment these turtles hatch from their eggs, they’re at risk from natural and manmade threats. Hatchlings make a tasty treat for wildlife … Read more

Over 350,000 Acres Leased off Massachusetts Coast for Offshore Wind

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, the United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) leased over 350,000 acres off the coast of Massachusetts for offshore wind energy development. The sale is the largest of its kind in federal waters, almost doubling the space now available for commercial offshore wind projects.  According to the Department of the Interior, … Read more

Obama Admin. Announces Plans to Open Atlantic & Arctic to Offshore Drilling

WASHINGTON – Today, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management released its draft five-year program for oil and gas development on the Outer Continental Shelf. The plan, which covers all potential leasing from 2017 to 2022, includes parts of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. In addition, President Obama permanently withdrew some of the important wildlife areas … Read more

Oceana Kicks off 2015 with Updated Website, Logo

Oceana had a successful year in 2014 working to protect the world’s oceans: Thanks in part to our campaign work, President Obama established the first-ever Task Force on Combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Seafood Fraud, which recently released robust recommendations, the National Marine Fisheries Service announced emergency protections for endangered sperm whales … Read more