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Lawsuit Filed to Protect Loggerhead Sea Turtle Habitat

SAN FRANCISCO— Conservation groups filed a lawsuit today against the National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the agencies’ failure to protect critical habitat areas for threatened and endangered loggerhead sea turtles on their nesting beaches and in Atlantic and Pacific waters, where they face threats from fisheries, climate change and … Read more

Sanctuary Advisory Council Votes to Protect Ocean Food Web

Yesterday afternoon the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council adopted a resolution recognizing the important role of forage species in the Sanctuary and supporting state and federal fishery managers for their recent commitments to afford additional protections for the ocean’s small, but critically important marine life.  Oceana commends the diverse, 20-member Sanctuary Advisory Council … Read more

Ocean Advocates Call on Department of Interior to Cancel Proposed Seismic Airgun Testing in Atlantic Ocean in Wake of SuperStorm Sandy

Today, 22 organizations – from fishermen to ocean advocates and marine scientists, including Clean Ocean Action, Oceana, and Surfrider Foundation, sent a letter to Secretary Salazar at the Department of the Interior (DOI) requesting that proposed seismic airgun testing in the Atlantic Ocean be cancelled in wake of the recent SuperStorm Sandy. On March 30, … Read more

Federal Government Sets Aggressive Catch Levels amidst Sardine Collapse

The Pacific Fishery Management Council voted Sunday to set the 2013 catch level for the U.S. West Coast Pacific sardine fishery at 66,495 metric tons.  They took this action after reviewing a new scientific assessment showing this sardine population dropped 33% from the previous year and has been in continuous decline over the past six … Read more

500 Chefs and Restaurant Owners Join Oceana to Stop Seafood Fraud

WASHINGTON – Oceana, the largest advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, was joined today by more than 500 chefs, restaurant owners and culinary leaders in a letter calling on the United States government to require that “seafood is traceable in order to prevent seafood fraud and keep illegal fish out of the … Read more

Lawsuit Launched to Protect Endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtles

SAN FRANCISCO— Conservation groups launched a lawsuit today against the National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service by filing a formal notice of intent to sue the agencies to protect critical habitat areas for endangered loggerhead sea turtles on Florida’s nesting beaches, as well as in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.   Florida … Read more

Feds Authorize Hawaii-based Swordfish Fishery to Kill More Sea Turtles

The National Marine Fisheries Service approved a plan today to allow the Hawaii-based shallow-set longline fishery to capture and kill more endangered sea turtles when targeting swordfish on the high seas of the North Pacific Ocean.  Current regulations allow the fishery to take, each year, 16 endangered leatherback sea turtles and 17 endangered loggerhead sea … Read more

Leatherback Sea Turtle Swims onto List of State Symbols

In a strong affirmation of the Golden State’s commitment to the environment, Governor Brown today designated the endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtle as California’s official state marine reptile by signing into law Assembly Bill (AB) 1776 by Assemblymember Fong (D- Cupertino). As sponsors and supporters of the bill, and Oceana applaud Governor Brown and … Read more

Shell Breaks Oil Containment Dome, 1,900 Miles Away From Arctic Drilling Site

In response to Shell’s latest change of plans to cancel efforts to drill into oil bearing zones in 2012 and instead drill “top holes” in preparation for next year, Oceana, issued the following statement about the request and Shell’s aggressive push drill for oil in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas:“Today Shell announced yet another last … Read more