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Arctic sea ice extent reaches record low

 Susan Murray, Oceana’s Senior Pacific Director, issued the following statement in response to the announcement this morning that sea ice extent has broken the 2007 record low:“The record low Arctic Sea Ice extent should be a wake-up call.  The Administration needs to shift its focus from drilling the Arctic to energy conservation and renewable technology.“The … Read more

Limits on Alaska Chinook Salmon Bycatch Take Effect

Starting Saturday, pollock trawlers in the Gulf of Alaska will have to avoid catching Chinook salmon as bycatch or risk being told to stop fishing.  A rule recommended by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and implemented by the National Marine Fisheries Service establishes a limit on the number of Chinook salmon that can be caught … Read more

New Sen. Wyden Bill Signals U.S. Support for International Action to Stop Foreign Government Subsidies that Lead to Overfishing

WASHINGTON – Late yesterday, United States Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced a new bill that signals U.S. support for international action to stop government subsidies that lead to overfishing. Specifically, the Fair Trade in Seafood Act (S. 3518) would establish the issue as a Principal Negotiating Objective of the U.S. in the ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership … Read more

DNA Testing Confirms Fraud in Grocery Stores, Restaurants & Sushi Venues

Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans worked with the Monterey Weekly and found 36 percent of seafood samples taken in Monterey, CA were mislabeled. DNA testing confirmed that over one-third of the 19 seafood samples collected by the Monterey Weekly from 17 retail outlets, including grocery stores, restaurants … Read more

House Introduces Bill to Help Stop Seafood Fraud

WASHINGTON – Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, commends United States Representatives Edward Markey (MA-7) and Barney Frank (MA-4) today for introducing the Safety and Fraud Enforcement for Seafood (SAFE Seafood) Act to address the growing problem of seafood fraud. If passed, the bill would help stop seafood … Read more

Oceana Announces Winners of 4th Annual Ocean Heroes Award

Washington, DC – Today Oceana announced the winners of its 4th annual Ocean Heroes Award. Captain Don Voss of Fort Pierce, FL and James Hemphill (15) of Virginia Beach, VA were voted the Adult and Junior award winners respectively. “This year’s Ocean Heroes aptly embody the qualities that Oceana looks for in our yearly search … Read more

California Senators Give Green Light to Sea Turtle as New State Symbol

Today California Senators in a key policy committee voted unanimously to support AB 1776 (Fong) that will designate the endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtle as California’s official state marine reptile and declare October 15 every year as Leatherback Conservation Day.  All 13 Democrats and Republicans on the Government Organization Committee supported the leatherback bill, which … Read more

House Committee Passes Bill to Fight Illegal Fishing

WASHINGTON- Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, applauds the House Natural Resources Committee for passing H.R. 4100, a bill that would provide the United States with critical tools to help combat illegal fishing and prevent the mislabeling of illegally-caught seafood.  An identical bill, S. 52, has also advanced … Read more

Federal Fisheries Council Initiates Process to Protect Unmanaged Forage Fish

Yesterday, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) finalized its decision to prohibit the development of new fisheries for forage fish off the West Coast. The decision reverses the burden of proof on new fisheries, setting up a process and timetable for interim protective measures and a regulatory process to implement a long-term prohibition on new … Read more