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Flagship Expedition to Easter Island and Salas y Gomez Island

National Geographic Society and Oceana, together with the Chilean Navy, began a scientific expedition today to the marine ecosystems that surround the Chilean island Salas y Gómez (Motu Motiro Hiva) and Easter Island. The results of this unprecedented collaboration will be the baseline for monitoring Motu Motiro Hiva Marine Park, whose creation was announced last … Read more

Impacts of Bottom Trawling on Fisheries, Tourism, and the Marine Environment

Fishing is one of the most important employers and sources of protein for coastal communities in Belize. Yet bottom trawls and other kinds of unselective fishing gear cause harm to other fisheries and to the marine environment by catching juvenile fish, damaging the seafloor, and leading to overfishing. Bottom trawl nets can also harm coral … Read more

Oceana offers “Gulf Pelican Adoption” in Time for the Holidays

Oceana announced the official launch of its fifth annual “Adopt a Creature” holiday giving program, which provides support for Oceana and its global efforts to prevent the collapse of marine ecosystems. The 2010 adoption center features a new ‘Gulf Adoption Kit’. Proceeds will help Oceana continue to campaign to protect the Gulf of Mexico and other … Read more

ICCAT Says “I Can’t”

As the 17th Special Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) closed today in Paris, France, Oceana, the world’s largest international ocean conservation organization, called it a “massive failure for bluefin tuna and swordfish, with only modest progress for sharks and sea turtles.” “Despite the flowery rhetoric, it was ‘business … Read more

Oceana Calls for Protection of Ocean’s Top Predators at Upcoming International Fisheries Meeting

Oceana, the world’s largest international ocean conservation organization, is calling for the protection of the ocean’s top predators at the 17th Special Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in Paris, France, November 17 to 27. Specifically, Oceana is seeking protections for several vulnerable and overexploited species vital to maintaining … Read more

Chile Creates Marine Reserve Around Salas y Gómez Island

Chile’s President Sebastián Piñera announced the creation of Salas y Gómez Marine Park, a no-take marine reserve of 150,000 square kilometers around Salas y Gómez island. The decision came after a preliminary expedition to Salas y Gómez by Oceana, National Geographic and the Waitt Foundation, in which they found abundant populations of vulnerable species such … Read more

Oceana and Planet Green Look to the Gulf and Beyond for Second Installment of Blue August

Oceana announced today its official partnership with Discovery Communications’ green lifestyle channel, Planet Green, for Blue August. As part of the channel’s annual month long focus on oceans and water issues, Planet Green will feature Oceana’s public service announcements (PSA) and online content.  On Planet Green’s website viewers will find highlights from Oceana’s 2010 Gulf … Read more

Oil-Seeking Robot to be Deployed Off Florida Keys

  Mote Marine Laboratory, in collaboration with Oceana and NRDC, will launch an oil-detecting underwater robot off the Florida Keys as a first line of defense against underwater oil plumes from the Gulf oil disaster. The robot – nicknamed Waldo – will travel undersea in the water column, an area that satellite imagery cannot access, … Read more