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5 incredible ways shark and ray eyes create super-sensitive vision

In the 1975 film Jaws, shark-hunter Quint described the eponymous villain’s peepers as lifeless and black, “like a doll’s eyes.” But Jaws got a laundry list of things wrong, and eyes are no exception. Sharks and their ray relatives boast a dazzling diversity of pupil shapes and eye sizes, which offer hints about how they … Read more

Oceana’s Shark Week 2017 Sweepstakes Official Rules and Terms & Conditions

No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this contest sweepstakes. 1) How to Enter: No purchase necessary to enter or win. To enter the Oceana Shark Week 2017 Sweepstakes click here and complete the signup form. You must submit all required information to be eligible for the prize. Incomplete, corrupted or untimely … Read more

Download Discovery GO and Save Sharks

This year, Oceana and Discovery are teaming up to help protect vulnerable hammerhead sharks, which are one of the species most threatened by the shark fin trade because of their highly valuable fins. Among all shark species, fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the global shark fin trade each year. … Read more

Celebrate Shark Week 2017 with Oceana

Take Action Every year, fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the global fin trade. The gruesome and inhumane practice of shark finning poses one of the greatest threats to shark’s survival. It’s up to us to do something about it. Add your name now and tell Congress to ban the trade of all shark … Read more

To save sharks, the U.S. has to stop trading their fins

A shadow looms out of hazy, blue depths. It circles once, then fades as quickly as it came. That’s all you see of the shark: a faint shape. Yet you float suspended between awe and fear, watching the place where that phantom appeared. Sharks bring out the best and the worst in us. They glide … Read more

Senate Commerce Committee Advances Bill to Ban Shark Fins Nationwide

WASHINGTON –Today, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation voted to pass the Shark Fin Trade Elimination Act (S. 793), which would ban the buying and selling of processed shark fins in the United States. The bipartisan legislation was introduced earlier this year by Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R- W. … Read more

Over 150 Scientists Call on Congress to Pass National Shark Fin Trade Ban

WASHINGTON –Today, more than 150 scientists from around the world sent a letter to Congress urging the passage of the Shark Fin Trade Elimination Act (S. 793/H.R.1456), which would ban the buying and selling of shark fins in the United States. The letter, led by Dr. Francesco Ferretti from the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford … Read more