Oceana Staff Archives | Page 16 of 20 | Oceana

Kim Warner

Dr. Kimberly Warner is a senior scientist at Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans. Since 2010, she has been responsible for leading the genetic testing of seafood in support of Oceana’s campaign to Stop Seafood Fraud. Her recent work has examined species substitutions and misrepresentation in retail commercial … Read more

Helena Alvarez

For as long as Helena can remember, she’s always had a deep interest in the environment and its conservation. This led her to graduate in Environmental Sciences, majoring in marine biodiversity conservation, and dedicate her entire career to sea protection. The more she learns about and sees the fragile ecosystems hidden under the sea surface, … Read more

Mohamed Kalouda

Mohamed Kalouda is a DC area native, who joined Oceana as a Help Desk Specialist in 2016.  Mohamed’s experience in information technology has allowed him to work in various settings however, his current role at Oceana has been the most fulfilling thus far.  When Mohamed is not working, he enjoys hanging out with family and … Read more

Natividad Sánchez

I think I have made a fool of myself in every possible way in the sea, namely: being unable to stand for ten seconds on a surfboard, turning a canoe over in only 10 inch waves, not being able to tie anything more complicated than a figure-eight knot, stepping on sea urchins, getting sick in … Read more

Soraya de Miguel

I was born and grew in interior zones far away from coasts, seas and oceans. Furthermore, I developed my professional experience in private companies until I joined Oceana. How could I stop working in an organization that protects the world’s oceans? The answer could be that though I did not have direct contact with oceans, I have been … Read more

Angeles Sáez

Memories of my childhood and teenage years are strongly bound to the Cantabrian Sea, featuring long hours of sand and sea on the beach at La SalvĂ© and the smell of fish salting and sardines from Laredo fishing port. There were few things I liked better than spending the afternoon on the wharf with a … Read more

Lara Iwanicki

Lara has a deep-rooted passion for the ocean. It’s her source of freedom, inspiration and spiritual energy. Originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil, Lara grew up watching Jacques Cousteau’s undersea expeditions and spending holidays at the beach. Though having an Engineering background, she was inspired to focus her career on marine conservation after diving in the … Read more

Cristián Arroyo

Cristián studied journalism and worked as an investigative reporter in different TV stations before joining Oceana as the press manager at the Chile’s office in 2016. As a journalist, he covered different issues such as the food industry, environmental problems and social inequalities.   He earned a Masters of Arts degree in Media and Communications at Goldsmiths … Read more

Edna Santana

Edna Santana is a ten year experienced executive assistant. In her last experience she worked for five years as an executive assistant in a Brazilian company that promotes products and services abroad, where she provided assistance to managers and Directors.  She is a professional with self-motivation and great organization and administrative management skills. Edna Santana … Read more

Sarah Bedolfe

Sarah’s lifelong passion for ocean conservation developed while exploring the beaches and tide pools of her native California.  After earning a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Swarthmore College, Sarah worked with the IMAX documentary team at MacGillivray Freeman Films – expert film makers who have long been good friends and allies of Oceana – where … Read more