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Five Fantastic Shark Powers Worthy of Superhero Status

Look, down in the sea! It’s an advanced scientific instrument! No, it’s a pregnant virgin! Actually, it’s a shark. With their beady eyes and toothy jaws it might be easy to label sharks as the villains of the ocean, but sharks have so many amazing abilities we think they’re better cast as heroes. Read on to … Read more

GrubHub Takes Shark Fin Soup Off the Menu

After an online campaign by Oceana and its supporters, GrubHub – the dominant online food ordering company – announced that it would no longer permit restaurants to offer shark fin products through its service. GrubHub’s decision to eliminate shark fin soup from all its menus will help reduce global demand for shark fin products, as … Read more

CEO Note: GrubHub’s Big Move to Protect Sharks

Today, GrubHub announced that it would no longer permit restaurants to offer shark fin products through its online food-ordering service. Oceana commends GrubHub for demonstrating its commitment to shark conservation and for helping us to take an important step toward ending the indiscriminate killing of sharks. Last year, an Oceana investigation found that shark fin … Read more

GrubHub to Ban Sale of Shark Fin Products

Today, GrubHub, the nation’s leading online and mobile food ordering company, announced it will no longer allow restaurants to sell shark fin products through its website and subsidiary websites. It is estimated that 73 million sharks, many of which are vulnerable or even critically endangered species, are killed every year to supply the wasteful demand … Read more

Oceana requests ICCAT to sail beyond bluefin tuna and take care of swordfish and sharks

OCEANA urges the Contracting Parties of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) – the organisation responsible for highly migratory species in the Atlantic and adjacent waters – to guarantee that all stocks under its concern are managed in a sustainable manner, specifically to combat overfishing. This is especially crucial for the … Read more

Texas Becomes 10th State to Ban Trade of Shark Fins

AUSTIN, TX – On Saturday, June 20, Texas became the 10th U.S. state to ban the trade of shark fins, when Gov. Greg Abbott signed H.B. 1579 into law, introduced by Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D-District 38). This law ensures that Texas will no longer participate in the global fin trade that is largely responsible … Read more

Texas Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Ban Trade of Shark Fins

AUSTIN, TX—Today, a Texas lawmaker introduced a bill that would prohibit the sale, trade, purchase and transportation of shark fins in the state. H.B 1579 introduced by Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D-District 38), would ensure that Texas no longer participates in the trade in shark fins and would halt the state’s contribution to the global decline … Read more

Death of Rare Shark Highlights Need for Gillnet Ban

The death of a rarely seen scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) in the waters off Hopkins village after it became entangled in a gillnet highlights the need to transition away from this destructive fishing gear. According to Oceana Belize’s investigations into the incident, the approximately 8’ hammerhead swam into a gillnet placed in the shallow waters on … Read more